Yearly Archives
Who have I become
Who have I become? when will I will not lose my sleepover nightmares which surround, sounds of screams meant to be sounding louder than the thunder but sound nothing more than a mere sob as I thrust my face into my pillows, wrapping it!-->…
Webshow Writeup
To @priyanshupainyuli ,
I don't have words right now to express the amount of respect and affection you hold in my heart since the very day I've seen you in "soulmates". And trust me when you tell @anshul14chauhan that your father!-->!-->!-->…
Uncommon TV shows that are Worthy of your time
I knew you were also bored by watching all the mainstream TV series. Watching series and having your favourite food can sometimes feel like heaven. I know it gets so confusing whilst choosing a new series. There are so many things to keep!-->…
“Your Grace,”.Yes that’s how we all deserve to be called out by one another.The love,the respect,the politeness and the poetic charm,it’s all just so worth watching this show for.The beauty of this show is in its direction.The way its!-->…
KIMS Paediatrics Faculties as National Trainers in TASK Module of Indian Academy of Paediatrics
Dr. Nirmal Kumar Mohakud, Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics, KIMS and Dr. Sibabratta Patnaik, Associate Professor imparted training as National Trainers under Transport of Sick Kids (TASK) Module developed under the Action Plan of 2021 of the!-->…
KIIT School of Architecture Planning Ranked 4th by GHRDC
School of Architecture & Planning, KIIT Deemed to be University has been ranked 4th nationally by Global Human Resource Development Centre (GHRDC), New Delhi. GHRDC is a research-based organization involved in the rating and ranking of!-->…
KIIT Faculty Attends International Conferenceon ‘Innovation through Co-Creation’ as Invited Speaker…
Dr. Puspalata Pattojoshi, Professor, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University was an Invited Speaker and Panellist at the Conference on “Innovation through Co-Creation” organised by The Technology Innovation!-->…
The Demise of a Drug-Addict
This is the story of a crackhead guyAsking for drugs from anyone who passed by.
Snorting drugs was his daily routineHe did it till nothing could be seen
Heroine, crack and Indian hayWere all he did to get through the day
He knew!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
KINS Faculty Members Participate In Capacity Building Training Program of Indian Nursing Council
Indian Nursing Council (INC) in collaboration with United Nations Population Fund (UNFP) organized its 16th Batch Virtual Training for Capacity Building of Midwifery Faculties of various Schools and Colleges of Nursing in India from!-->…