KSPH Organizes a Workshop on “Organization Development Training Program for NGOs from Nuapada District, Odisha”


The KIIT School of Public Health (KSPH) organized a five-day workshop titled “Organization Development Training Program for NGOs under NPI-EXPAND Project” from December 18th to 22nd 2023, in collaboration with the Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3), India.

The primary objective of the workshop was to enhance the organizational development, proposal development, governance, monitoring, reporting, and documentation capacities of the participating NGOs. The workshop was attended by representatives from 10 district level NGOs operating in various sectors such as health, education, environment, agriculture, and social justice in Nuapada district of Odisha.

Topics related to developing concept notes and project proposal writing, result-based frameworks, project management information systems, data management, reporting, documentation, communication skills, team management, fundraising strategies, donor compliance, and donor relationship management were covered. Group discussions, case studies, and hands-on practice sessions were held.

The Director of KSPH, Prof (Dr) Bhuputra Panda and faculty members from the School of Public Health facilitated the workshop.  Guest speakers from C3 also shared best practices and lessons on organizational development, reporting and documentation.

Most of the participants were overwhelmed with the workshop content, methodologies, and pedagogy of facilitators; they expressed their deep sense of gratitude to KSPH, the Founder of KIIT-KISS Dr. Achyuta Samanta and C3 for providing such kind of training and exposure.  The workshop fostered an environment of networking and mutual learning among peer groups, development partners and KSPH.

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