Celebáon of World AIDS Day 2019


World AIDS Day is a global initiative to raise awareness, fight prejudice, and educate about HIV and AIDS. The U.S. federal theme for the 2019 World AIDS Day observance was “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Community by Community”. Like every year on 1st December 2019  Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences celebrated World AIDS Day  for two days with the  collaboration of School of Medicine, KIIT deemed to be University. On 30th November, the inauguration began with cultural activities – Flash mob was performed by MBBS and the Nukkad was performed by B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year students from 5.00pm- 7.00pm. The theme of the Nukkad was “Spreading the awareness of AIDS and acceptance of victims in society “. On December 1st the department of Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences(KINS) took an initiative in IV/IM/SC infusion demonstration from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm by M.Sc. Nursing and B.Sc. Nursing 3rd year students. Then from 2:00 to 4:30pm the quiz competition and poster both with prelims & finals simultaneously held at LT 1 and LT 2. And finally the day ended with closing ceremony.

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