KINS Organizes Seminar on Breast Cancer Awareness


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS), a constituent of KIIT-DU organised a seminar on breast cancer awareness on October 11 with a topic “Prevention, Early Detection and Comprehensive Care of Breast Cancer”. The aim of the programme was to create more and more awareness on breast cancer in the society.

Prof. Asokan R,HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, (in-charge, R&D), KINS, KIIT–DU welcomed Dr. Sukdev Nayak, Prof. Anaesthesiology, Pain Relief and Palliative Medicine, IMS & SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar.

Dr. Nayak highlighted the causes, signs and symptoms, stages of breast cancer, breast self-examination (BSE), treatment, prevention, early detection, regular check-up and palliative care. “Cancer is a disease in which cells grow abnormally and form tumours. If left untreated the tumours can spread throughout the body and become fatal,’’ the expert said.

He specially focused on prevention of breast cancer and emphasized on BSE as a golden way to prevent breast cancer. He also mentioned palliative care and explained the importance of communication skills, listening, assessment of symptoms, dealing with distress, spirituality and team work.

All the faculty members of KINS, MSc. nursing first year and GNM nursing second year students attended. The programme was a great learning platform for all faculties and students on spreading awareness on prevention of breast cancer. Vote of thanks was proposed by Chandan Pradhan Associate Professor KINS.

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