KINS e-Conference on strengthening Nursing Practices


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) under KIIT Deemed to be University organised  two-day-long international e-conference from November 25 and 26 through hybrid mode on a theme “Integrating Multidimensional Research Approach : Strengthening Nursing Practice ”. 

The international e-conference was inaugurated by Dr. Niyati Das, Principal KINS. Dr Sanghamitra Pati Director, RMRC Bhubaneswar joined as the chief guest. Prof.(Brig.) Dr. Ambika Prasad Mohanty Principal, KIMS was felicitated. Dr Pravati Tripathy, Dean, SUM Nursing College, under SOADU moderated the session.

While Dr.  L. Gopichandran , Associate Professor, College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi spoke on“Advances in Clinical Nursing Research and Trials” Dr. Abhilekha Biswal, Principal, PG College of Nursing, Bhilai, Chhatisgarh moderated it.

Dr. Nageswar Venkatesh Reddy, Asst. Prof, AI-Baha University, Kingdom of Soudi Arabia  spoke on “Qualitative Research Analysis” and  Dr. M.V Smitha Associate Professor, College of Nursing AIIMS, Bhubaneswar moderated the session.

Dr. Krushna Chandra Sahoo Consultant (Public Health Specialist), Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Regional Resource Hub, RMRCBhubaneswar focused on “Mixed Method Research” which was moderated by Prof. Rajalaxmi Mishra, Principal, College of Nursing, Berhampur, Odisha.The scientific session oral e-paper presentation started in which various presenters from different corners of world participated. The Scientific Committee selected 18 Research articles for e-paper presentation.


The second day scientific session started with Dr. Nancy Dias Associate Professor, Nurse Science Department, College of Nursing, East Carolina University on “New Horizons in Improving EBP and Research”, which was moderated by Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. Of Critical Care Nursing, Swami Rama Himalayan University, Uttarakhand.

Dr. Poornima Sriram, Maynooth Community Care, Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland who stressed on “International Networking & Peer Utilization of Nursing Research” and moderated by Dr.Ashisbala Mohapatra, Principal, Hi-Tech College of Nursing, Bhubaneswar.

Next plenary session was delivered by Dr. Santhi Appavu Principal, Christian College of Nursing, Neyyoor , Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India who emphasized on “Scientific Paper Writing”and was moderated by Prof.(Mrs) Anuradha Panda, (Principal, LJM, College of Nursing, Bhubaneswar.

Dr. Teresita Joy Decatoria, Chief Nursing Officer, Abeer Medical Group, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia explained on “Translational Research in Nursing”. Dr. Sinmayee Devi (Vice Principal, LJM College of Nursing, Bhubaneswar moderated this session.

Sweta Rani Dalei and Pragyan Paramita Bhoi faculties of KINS facilitated the panel discussion by inviting expert panellists to reflect on“Nursing Perspective on Multidimensional Research Approach” The programme ended with a vote of thanks proposed by  Mr. Chandan Pradhan , Asst. Prof, KINS.

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