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All News About KIIT University
International Webinar on National Education Policy (NEP 2020) at KIIT
NEP-2020 Reflects Dreams & Aspirations of People: Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank’, Hon'ble Minister of Education, Govt. of India
Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank’, Hon'ble Minister of Education, Govt. of India inaugurated an!-->!-->!-->…
National e-Seminar on Community Health Nursing Concludes
A National e-Seminar on the theme “Contemporary Issues in Community Health Nursing” was organized by the Department of Community Health Nursing, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS), KIIT-DU from 27th – 28th August 2020.!-->…
Mega Digital ‘HR Konclave’ ‘The Future is Now – Rewiring the Workplace’
A Mega Digital ‘HR Konclave’ was organized by KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar on the theme 'The Future is Now – Rewiring the Workplace’. Organized by the KIIT School of Management (KSOM), the conclave, one of the!-->…
KINS Organizes National e-Seminar
A two-day National e-Seminar on the theme ‘Contemporary Issues in Community Health Nursing’ was organized by the Department of Community Health Nursing, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, KIIT-DU on 27th August!-->…
International Virtual Conference on Advances in Functional Materials Inaugurated
International Virtual Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM 2020) and Pre-Conference International Workshop on ‘Ferroelectric & Piezoelectric Nanomaterials and Devices’ for Young Researchers were inaugurated on!-->…
Virtual Tech Talk by KIIT School of Electrical Engineering
KIIT School of Electrical Engineering organized a Tech Talk on ‘Control and Modulation Methods for Variable Frequency Drives’on 25th August 2020 on virtual mode.
Dr. V. S. S. Pavan Kumar Hari, Department of Energy Science and!-->!-->!-->…
KIIT Today 26/08/2020 CAAS, KIIT-DU Organizes Webinar on ‘MBA for Engineers’
A Webinar on ‘MBA for Engineers’ was organized by the Career Advisory & Augmentation School (CAAS), KIIT Deemed to be University for all the students aspiring to take up management as a career after engineering. SOT students from!-->…
KIIT Student’s Film Bags National Honour
KIIT School of Film and Media Sciences (KSFMS) has proved that the nation-wide lockdown cannot prevent it from setting glorious milestones. After the successful conduct of the three-day Global Photography Festival, KSFMS made the!-->…
Kalinga Global Photography Festival Concludes at KIIT
Events and festivals can get tricky when organized on a virtual platform, where you experience everything virtually and your best friend is technology. It is a big deal to have a fun engaging festival over the internet where all it takes!-->…
CAAS, KIIT-DU Organizes Webinar on ‘Career Orientation@2018-2022 Batch’
School-wise career orientation program was organized by the Career Advisory & Augmentation School (CAAS), KIIT Deemed to be University for all the Schools of Technology for the 2018-2022 Graduating Batch. The!-->…