Monthly Archives

May 2021

Evolution of the PhD programme

Genesis and Evolution of Ph.D. Degree program by Prof. P. K. J. Mohapatra The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is the highest academic degree that most universities of the world award to their students. This short write-up

Ph.D. Awarded (Jan – April 2021)

KIIT School of Applied Sciences Ph D in Physics awarded to: Sri Bhavesh Kumar Dadhich on 19/02/2021 Sri Bhavesh Kumar Dadhich Supervisors: Dr. Bhavya Bhushan (Department of Physics, School of Applied

Book Chapters (Jan – April 2021)

KIIT School of Applied Sciences 1. Praharaj, S., Rout, D. and Nayak, R.K., (2021), Synergistic Effect of Natural Fiber-reinforced Polymer Compositein Hybrid Natural Fiber Composites, EDITOR’S NAME? Woodhead Publishing,