Research Project Grants (Jan – April 2021)


KIIT School of Applied Sciences

1. Title of the Project: Exploring the Novel Quantum States at the Interface of Spin-Orbit Coupled Active and Inactive Double Perovskites.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Priyadarshini Parida (Department of Physics)

Name of Grant: UGC Start-up Research Grant

Abstract: The rich behaviors of transition metal oxides are due to the complex interactions between their charges, orbital and spin degrees of freedom. At the interface, the charge and spin states are changed affecting electronic and magnetic properties due to local symmetry breaking, charge transfer, electrostatic coupling and magneto-electric coupling. Interface studies of various single perovskites and single-double perovskites show interesting properties provide a platform to study the interface properties between the double perovskites which is in shadow till date but important because of their more complex structure and diverging properties due to association of two different transition metal atoms.

KIIT School of Biotechnology

1. (a)
Title: “Support to establish DBT– Boost to University Interdisciplinary Life Science Departments for Education and Research (DBT-BUILDER) programme

Prof. Mrutyunjay Suar

Type of grant: Infrastructure, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India (Rs. 8.70 Crore for 5 years)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Mrutyunjay Suar, School of Biotechnology, KIIT Deemed to be University

Department KIIT Biotechnology
Co- Principal Investigator: Prof. Gopal C. Kundu, Prof. Kshirod Jena, Dr. Vishakha Raina, Dr. Selvakumar Elangovan, Dr. Namrata Mishra, Dr. Nirmal Mohakud

Title: Bhubaneswar City Knowledge Innovation Cluster (BCKIC),

Principal Investigator: Prof. Mrutyunjay Suar, School of Biotechnology, KIIT Deemed to be University

Type of grant: Consortium grant (Project value of Rs 8.61 Crore for 3 years).

Funding Agency: Principal Scientific Advisor to Govt of India

2. Title: Development of Suitable Binder for Processing of Calcined Alumina

Dr. Suraj Kumar Tripathy

Principal Investigator: Dr. Suraj Kumar Tripathy, KIIT School of Chemical Technology, KIIT Deemed to be University

Type of grant: Industry consultancy grant

Funding Agency: National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO)

3. Title: Development of Innovative and Robust Process of Antimicrobial Coating on Aluminium Substrates

Dr. Sasmita Nayak

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sasmita Nayak, KIIT School of Biotechnology, KIIT Deemed to be University

Type of grant: Industry consultancy grant

Funding Agency: National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO)

4. Title: Development of Natural Emulsion-Based Beverage and its Domain in Energy Drink

Dr. Amrita Mishra

Principal Investigator: Dr. Amrita Mishra (PI) and Dr. Smruti Rekha Mishra (Co PI), KIIT School of Biotechnology and KIIT School of Chemical Technology, KIIT Deemed to be University

Type of grant: Industry consultancy grant

Funding department: Charaka Hanf PVT LTD

KIIT School of Electrical Engineering

Title of the project: Performance Improvement of Solar Powered Water Pumping System for Rural Application by Using Fish Search Optimization MPPT Technique

Investigators: Shrija Bhowmik, Arjyadhara Pradhan and Babita Panda

Name of the funding agency: Institute of Engineers