Workshop on Active Learning Strategies and Flipped Classrooms


A two day workshop on Active Learning Strategies and Flipped Classrooms were organised by School of Applied Sciences, during 8-9 September 2017; at KIIT University. The workshop was conducted by three members from IIT–Bombay’s Inter-disciplinary Programme in Educational Technology.

The objective of the workshop is to  know and experiment with the current development and practices of  appropriate technology intervention in and around the teaching and learning process, benefiting both the teacher, taught and the broader community.

Inaugurating the workshop on 8th September, the Vice Chancellor and the Pro Vice Chancellor of the University emphasized on the changing roles of the teachers in the 21st century, where mere information is no more a premium for the students in a class. The learning should be facilitated in different cognitive levels for deeper understanding, they added. The workshop was well appreciated by the participants.

In six enriching sessions, topics such as Learning objective formulation, its’ translation to a learner oriented  lesson plan, different dimensions of Active Learning Strategies, Flipped classrooms, content creation etc was discussed.

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