KIIT School of Applied Sciences Celebrates National Mathematics Day


The Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT-DU celebrated “National Mathematics Day” on 22nd December 2022 by organizing a Seminar. Prof. S. Nanda, Professor of Eminence and Research Chair presided over the seminar. National Mathematics Day commemorates great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan’s birthday, and promotes and highlights his outstanding accomplishment. Ramanujan was regarded as a skilled mathematician because he contributed important mathematical analysis and solved some of the unsolvable equations. The goal of mathematics day celebration is to increase public understanding of the value of mathematics. On this day, people recognize the value of Mathematics in advancing humanity at all levels.

Dr. Mrtyunjay Das, Coordinator, Mathematics, Dr. B.P. Padhy, Dr. Bijan Patel, Dr. Saurav Shil and the research scholar Sushree Swetapadma spoke on the occasion. Prof. S. Nanda summarized the session and delivered a talk on life history and contribution of Srinivasa Ramanujan to mathematical society. Dr. Srikumar Acharya proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Anwesha, research scholar, anchored the session. All the faculty members, research scholars and M.Sc. students of the Department attended the seminar.

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