KSRM Organizes Agribusiness Leaders Talk


A guest talk was organized by KIIT School of Rural Management (KSRM) on 20th August 2021 for the students of MBA (Agribusiness Management) under the Agribusiness Leader’s Talk Series. Delivering the lecture, Dr. Amit TripathiChief Executive Officer, Geolife Agritech India Pvt. Ltd., discussed nutrition sensitive farming which is a new way of income revolution in Indian agriculture.

He explained how nutrition-based agricultural practices are much needed for our future generation. Presently, 44% of children under the age of 5 years are underweight, 72% of infants are anemic and 1 in 9 people are undernourished in the world. He emphasized the goal should be health/acre instead of yield/acre. He shared how nutrition sensitive agriculture is a food-based approach to agriculture development that puts nutritionally rich foods, dietary diversity and food fortification at the heart of overcoming malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. He further added that interventions like microbial intervention, mineral nutrition, bio-fortification, precision farming and artificial intelligence in agriculture can meet our sustainable development goals.

He has more than two decades of rich experience in the agriculture input industry in plant nutrition, bio-agriculture and super specialties innovative solutions. Dr. Tripathi had worked in different capacities in Indofil Industries Limited, DuPont, Biostadt India Limited, Zytex and BEC Fertilizers Ltd. He has done his Post Graduation in agriculture from Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (MP). He also holds a doctorate degree and a post graduate diploma in rural development. Dr. Tripathy has completed an MBA with distinction from Stratford University.

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