School of Humanities (Jun – July 2022)


Journal Papers

1. Mishra, D. (2022). Autobiography as a source of ecological sustainability with reference to literature, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 13(1), 1 – 9.


Literature has been very successful in addressing many ecological and environmental problems in relation to the living beings. It has been long that the relationship between the ecology and literature has been established with the wide range of literary works having its base on environment and its issues. The paper elucidates how ecological imbalance plays an important role in making people captured and captivated under staunch religious practices in the reign of Talibanis for whom ecological mishaps became the foreground to control the Swat Valley and substantiates those ecological mishaps finally resulted in making people submissive and succumb to the devout religious practice thereby coming under religious dominance of the religious extremist groups. The people’s surrender and acceptance towards the Talibani ways finally brought social changes like the cessation of freedom of women and termination in women’s education by making women cut off from the free society thus establishing a nexus between the regulations of the rulers and the fettle of the ruled with the ecological adversities.

2. Singhania, V., & Mishra, D. (2022). Digitalization of texts: An analysis with reference to the Indian Epic Mahabharata, ECS Transactions, 107(1), 19049 – 19056.


Digitalization plays a very important role in the revitalization of cultural heritage and keeps our societies connected across generations. India’s rich tangible and intangible culture consisting of its profound history, timeless folklores and mythologies have carved a special niche for India across the world. The Mahabharata is one of two Indian epics that depicts the story of a dynastic conflict between two sets of relatives for control of the Bharata kingdom in central India. To preserve the manuscript of the Mahabharata in a way that it could be made available for posterity; the introduction of digital technologies and digitization seemed viable, giving an opportunity to preserve, transcend originals, disseminate the information to a much larger audience, allowing the prevailing information to be rewritten, reconstructed, decoded and expanded, and voiced. This paper is an attempt for the qualitative investigation of the various tools of digitalization and their impact with reference to the epic – Mahabharata. 

3. Palai, G., & Mishra, D. (2022). Dasavatar of Lord Jagannath with respect to management, evolution and feminism, ECS Transactions, 107(1), 19099 – 19104.


Lord Sri Jagannath is the presiding Lord of ‘Srikhetra Puri’. All the incarnations of Lord Vishnu emanate from Sri Jagannath. He is an Avataree, the absolute and supreme Divinity. The cultural and ritual panorama of Sri Jagannath is as pulsating, vibrant and colorful as the Lord Himself. His ‘dasavatar’ concept is the carrier of the scientific account of evolution, management and feminism. In the changing socio-cultural environment, the Dasavatar concept of Lord Jagannath is used as a resource base for the study of physical environment. Indian mythology is very vast and enriched with huge amount of knowledge pertaining to the ten incarnations of Jagannath. The essence of leadership and modern management skills are embedded in His avatar.  The Lord came in different incarnations as a role manager or a leader based on different situations. Dasavatars are being referred to understand the leadership qualities required in the modern management techniques to overcome any kind of situation or problems. Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are the most towering leaders of any time.

4. Mishra, D. (2022). An analysis of the role of emotional intelligence in corporate leadership, ECS Transactions, 107(1), 14959 – 14973.


Emotional intelligence, an important aspect of corporate communication is a fact which cannot be ruled out. In today’s corporate world, the success or failure of any company is attached to public perception. A leader is considered to be in an advantageous position if he/she has control over emotions and is kind and considerate towards his/her team members. Gone are the days when people used to be silent spectators and danced to the tune of their leader. There have been so many instances where a company loses out its most efficient employees due to emotional outburst of their leaders. A good leader knows not to react even during adverse situations. Sometimes, emotional intelligence is considered to be more effective than technical skills and cognitive skills, especially regarding social skill, and it is a fact that charismatic leaderships are favoured across cultures. It can be one of the important traits for a leader in the corporate sector and for organizations seeking to enhance their cross-cultural leadership effectiveness. The paper is a conceptual work on emotional intelligence as an aspect of leadership in corporate communication and the impact of emotional intelligence on various world leaders thereby strengthening the attributes of leadership in corporate communication.

5. Jena, G. K., & Swain, S.C. (2022). Need for technology intervention in functioning of SHGs run by tribal women to promote tribal culture, ECS Transactions, 107(1), 11957-11967.


This study is to appraise the need of information technology for the functioning of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in promoting tribal culture related to their living, particularly for the sal leave gatherers and simple artisans that do bamboo works and crafts. Tribal women through the SHGs and information technology can be a potential source of promoting tribal cultural and facilitating economic development of the district as a whole. A small fraction of tribal women has access to smartphones. However, all of the tribal women who are the members of SHGs have their perception on smartphone. This study is based on the responses of 70 such tribal women on their way of living., culture and perception on smartphones for social networking. On the basis of Analysis of Variance, it is found that technology intervention in the functioning of the SHGs has the potential to promote tribal culture.

Key Words: SHGs, Tribal Women, Culture, Information Technology, Gatherers, Artisans, Nayagarh, Odisha.

6. Mohanty, L., & Swain, S. C. (2022). Use of digital technologies by the MSMEs to preserve cultural heritage of India and achieve sustainable development goals, ECS Transactions, 107 (1), 14343-14354.


The objectives of this paper are to highlight the cultural heritage of India, to establish the involvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in preserving cultural heritage of India, and to ascertain how use of digital technology can facilitate the functioning of MSMEs in preserving cultural heritage of India and achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), particularly reducing poverty and eliminating hunger. It is basically a descriptive research based on secondary data collected from existing literature and analyzed to highlight how technology intervention in the functioning of MSMEs can preserve cultural heritage of India. It is found that India’s rich cultural heritage can be preserved through digitization. However, considering the changing nature of technology, the preservation process needs to be adaptable to changing technological set up.

Conference Papers

1. Mishra, D., Refaet, H., & Subidhi, R. N. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on Ecotourism in India and Egypt: A comparative analysis, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 199 – 209.


COVID-19, or the novel coronavirus, was first detected in Hubei, a province in China in a wet market way back in November 2019. After that, it has spread all over the world like a bonfire. One of the hugely affected sectors during this pandemic is tourism industry. It was all of sudden, tourists were barred to come in and go out of their country by the government. All major tourist and religious places were closed in most of the countries, for months together, even for their own nationals. Ecotourism has been one of the most important tourism patterns as it focuses on enhancing the principles of sustainable tourism by ensuring the satisfaction of the traveler’s and hosting communities while enhancing the appreciation and conservation of natural resources, trying to adopt its tourism offerings to suit the updates of the tourism sector during and after COVID-19; all the tourism destinations around the world have given too much attention to ecotourism as it is expected that ecotourism will flourish because of the major changes that has been caused by COVID-19 as it is expected that the tourism preference patterns will change to less crowded and nature-oriented ones. India and Egypt are the two countries which have similarities in culture and are situated in Asia. They share nearly similar cultures, history and ethnicity. Both countries faced the first wave of COVID-19 at a similar time, and the havoc caused was more or less comparable. The study was conducted in both countries on the basis of the common questionnaire that was asked to the participants in written as well as in oral form who comprised of population of different profession and sphere. The main objectives of this paper are to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on ecotourism in India and Egypt. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the governmental and private tourism professionals in both countries to explore the current status of ecotourism in both India and Egypt and know their opinion about to which extent ecotourism could be used as a very effective tool to overcome the challenges that have been created by COVID-19. 

2. Mishra, D., & Sain, M. (2022). Role of teachers in developing learning pedagogy, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 1315-1321.


The rapid development of science and technology such as multimedia technology has offered a better tool to explore the new teaching method. In fact, multimedia technology has played an important role in English language teaching, especially, in the non-native speaking of English situations. It also aims to make non-native speakers of English as language teachers aware of the strategies to use it in an effective manner. This paper aims to analyze the use of technology to English language teaching in the non-native speaking countries and to bring out the problems faced by both teachers and learners of English. Multimedia teaching method has been used in college English teaching wider and wider. It has contributed a lot to higher teaching quality. Chalk and Talk teaching method is not enough to teach English effectively. There should change in the methodology of teaching and free from all kind of biases. Not only that a teacher must have the quality of adapting himself/herself to the new technological revolution by incorporating it into teaching practices. This paper gives an in depth analysis of the new methodology that could be adopted in teaching practices in order to make teaching effective and student centric. 

3. Mishra, D., & Sain, M. (2022). Web based Learning: A methodology to teach literature in a classroom, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 1329 – 1335.


The internet has succeeded in emerging as a major component in our daily lives, and its presence in education sector is outstanding. Web-based syllabuses have been enjoying an upper hand and have succeeded in getting attention of learners and the instructors. If presentations at international conferences are any indication, the interest in this new instructional medium is indeed commanding. Web-based learning involves the use of appropriate technology with the corresponding pedagogical approaches managed in the context of today’s educational setting. Web-based learning encompasses all educational interventions that make use of the internet. There are currently three broad classifications or configurations within WBL: tutorials, online, discussion groups, and virtual patients. The distinctions between these configurations are often blurred, and in fact a given WBL intervention might use a combination of two or three, but the implications for teaching warrant a conceptual, albeit at times arbitrary, separation. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to understand the concept of Web based learning and its advantages along with its use in literature, culture and folklore studies, and the various methodologies to implement it in a class of Folklore studies. 

4. Sahoo, S.K., & Swain, S.C. (2022). Repatriated migrants in re-engineering supply chain of agricultural produce of rural Odisha. In: Mallick, P.K., Bhoi, A.K., González-Briones, A., Pattnaik, P.K. (eds) Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 860, 685–696, Springer, Singapore.


Agricultural produce does not get the apt recognition so far as the pricing and match between the supply and demand forces of it are concerned. In fact, the supply chain of the agricultural produce in India, particularly in the state of Odisha, is very weak. The supply chain of agricultural produce, i.e. the flow of agricultural produce from the farmers to the end-users, i.e. consumers, is not a smooth one for which the farmers receive a very less price, whereas the consumers pay exorbitant prices for the agricultural produce. Sometimes, the farmers fail to sell their produce owing to the unavailability of buyers, particularly for perishable produce during harvesting season. It happens for two things: (1) because the supply chain of agricultural produce is not scientific, and (2) because the farmers don’t have enough man-hours during harvesting season to sell their products directly to the consumers in the local markets. However, the insertion of some productive manpower in the existing supply chain of the agricultural produce may solve the purpose. The current pandemic owing to Covid-19 has caused an inflow of out-migrant people to their native places, i.e. repatriated migrants or returnee migrants. Since those returnee migrants are having the threat of life in migrated place for the on-going pandemic, their inclusion in the supply chain of agricultural produce may solve the problems of pricing and mismatch of demand and supply forces of agricultural produce. Against this backdrop, this paper is to design a framework to make use of the repatriated migrants in upgrading the supply chain of the agricultural produce. The methodology adopted for this paper is content analysis from the existing literature and secondary data.

Book Chapters

1. Sahoo, S.K., & Swain, S.C. (2022). Smart banking in financial transactions of migrants: A study on the in-migrants of the Gajapati district of Odisha. In: Nandan Mohanty, S., Chatterjee, J.M., Satpathy, S. (eds) Internet of Things and its applications. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham.


The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate the impact of smart banking on financial transactions of migrants. In fact, the basic objective of the study is to ascertain whether smart banking has made the life of migrants, particularly pertaining to financial transactions, better off. The scope of this study is confined to in-migrants of the Gajapati district of Odisha, India. Mixed methods research is followed for the study. While quantitative data are collected from 50 in-migrants of the district through a structured questionnaire, qualitative data have been collected through in-depth interviews conducted among selected cases with peculiar experience, both positive and negative, on smart banking and focus group discussion among ten experts from the domain of banking, technology in-built in banking and contemporary research. Findings from quantitative data have been substantiated by the qualitative data.

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