School of Electrical Engineering (Apr – May 2022)



1.. Lenka, R. K ,Panda,A. K. , Patel,,R. and Guerrero. ,J. M. (2022),  PV Integrated Multifunctional Off-Board EV Charger with Improved Grid Power Quality,  IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2022.3167659 (IF: 3.654).


This paper presents an adaptive notch filter (ANF) based efficient control algorithm for multifunctional grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) powered electric vehicle (EV) charger to power the EV batteries and simultaneously improve the grid power quality (PQ). Furthermore, a multilevel topology is adopted for the grid-facing converter to improve output voltage quality. The charger is designed to operate in grid-connected operation (GCO) and standalone operation (SO) to optimize the PV generation. In GCO, the charger provides grid current harmonic compensation and reactive power support to the grid. Furthermore, it offers backup power to the residential load during an emergency. The charger control algorithm also includes a grid synchronization technique based on phase error minimization to achieve a smooth and seamless transition from SO to GCO and vice-versa.

2. Mahapatra, A. K., Samal, P., Mohapatra, S., Sahu, P. C., & Panda, S. (2021). Analysis of Gaussian Fuzzy Logic‐Sliding Model Control and Flexible AC Transmission Systems Controllers for Automatic Generation Control of Hybrid Power System under Chaotic‐Water Cycle Algorithm Approach,International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 31, No. 12, e13163. 2.860).


This study proposes FL-SMC as secondary controller for monitoring power generation of multigrid power system. Further, a novel chaotic-water cycle algorithm (C-WCA) has been suggested for optimum parameter selection of the proposed controller. The work also has implemented an interline power flow controller to improve AGC of hybrid system. The effectiveness of the proposed controller over sliding mode controller, conventional fuzzy-PID, and PID controller has been synthesized to justify its superiority. The robustness of the proposed controller has been examined. Finally, it has been observed that the proposed controller advances the settling time of ∆F1 by 41%, 61.4%, and 86.4% over the sliding mode controller, fuzzy-PID, and PID controller, respectively.

3. Mishra, S.P. and Senapati, R. (2021), Wind Speed and Power Prediction Using MK-PINN, International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 76–88.DOI: 10.1504/IJPEC.2021.113055.


A multi-kernel pseudo inverse neural network (MKPINN) is proposed in this paper for efficient wind speed and power forecasting. The proposed model has been compared with Gaussian, wavelet, polynomial and sigmoid kernel. To get the best output and learning methodology and achieve stability, a pseudo inverse neural network is added, which substitutes the hidden layer with kernel function. This helps to achieve more accurate and faster response. Various case studies have been carried out from ten minutes to five hours interval in order to prove its accuracy.

Conference Paper:

1.Snehalika, Das, S., Patel, R. and Panigrahi, C. K. (2022), GaN-based Isolated Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter for High Load Current Application,In2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON), , pp.  1–7, doi: 10.1109/DELCON54057.2022.9753566.


This paper presents a GaN HEMT-based isolated bi-directional Dual Active Bridge (IBDC-DAB) DC-DC converter for the high load current. The proposed GaN HEMT-DAB converter is operated using the Single-Phase-Shift (SPS) control strategy. The 650 V rated GaN HEMT based DAB converter delivered a constant output current of approximately 29 A, which would be idealistic for EV charging applications.

2. Senapati, R., Sharma, P., Mishra, S. P., Mishra, D. P., Dash, B., Rath, J. J., & Senapati, R. N. (2021, ). Efficacy of UPQC in Grid linked PV-SOFC System at Constant Irradiance with Variable Load. In 2021 IEEE International Conference in Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology (APSIT), 8-10th October, Bhubaneswar, India, pp. 1–6.

DOI: 10.1109/APSIT52773.2021.9641282


Power sectors aim to satisfy the power essentiality comfortably and then transferring and assigning to the specific load hubs,honouring its feature and loyalty with feasible tariff. This study focuses on relief from different power quality (PQ) problems in a hybrid grid solar-fuel cell linked system for accomplishment of the novel control approach of sinusoidal current control strategy (SCCS) based simulation study of the Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) in MATLAB R2016a environment assimilating various loads. A time domain control approach ratified on ephemeral PQ-theory is applied to observe the efficacy of the UPQC in the hybrid system in a variable loading environment. The novelty in the control approach validates illustrations of sinusoidal quantities from supply.

Patent Filed/Published/Granted

1. Dr. G S Pradeep Ghantasala, Dr. Srikanth Allamsetty, Mr. VeeresalingamGuruguntla, and Dr. Mohit Lal, Patent Name: Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor for Real-Time Diesel Exhaust Treatment (Indian patent). Application no: 202211018418; Status: Filed; 29/03/2022.


The present disclosure discloses a non-thermal plasma reactor for real-timediesel exhaust treatment. The plasma reactor includes a plurality of reactorchambers, which are fluidically connected to each other in azig-zag arrangement and adapted to allow flow of diesel exhaust therethrough.Further, an electrode is configured with at least one of the reactor chambers, wherein the electrode has sharp edges and is configured to be energizedand correspondingly generate intensified high-voltage electric field within thecorresponding reactor chambers, which facilitates dissociation or neutralizationof NOx present in the exhaust, thereby facilitating real-time diesel exhausttreatment.

2. Dr. Abhinav Saxena, Dr. Md. Abul Kalam, Dr. Srikanth Allamsetty, Mr. Mukesh Yadav, Mr. Tarun Rathi, Mr. Amit Kumar Dash, Dr. Natwar Singh Rathor, and Dr. Gurulingappa M. Patil.

Patent Name: An Implicit Approach for Power Quality Assessment and Controlling of Solar Photovoltaic Integrated (Indian patent).

Application no: 202211013318; Status: Published; 11/03/2022.


The sensitivity, voltage control, and power quality analysis of solar photovoltaic based grid linked converters are presented in this study. Solar photovoltaic panels makeup the entire system, which is connected to the grid via back-to-back converters: a boost converter and an inverter. According to the present study, there is a lack ofsynchronization between solar photovoltaic and grid, as well as increased distortion and inadequate sensitivity. To address this issue, the impact of a novel design ofcuckoo search algorithm and fuzzy logic controller on boost converter and inverter control is being investigated. In comparison to existing methods, such arevolutionary algorithm design is simple, requires less data calculation, and is cost-effective. In compared to alternative approaches, the ideal design of both controllersgives better sensitivity with little distortion and least voltage variation against any change in internal parameters. On -an STM32F407 controller, the effectiveness of theapplied architecture is also verified and validated in a hardware setup of a 2 kW solar module, 3 kW boost converter, and 5 kW inverter.

3. Dr. Rudranarayan Senapati, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sahu,Dr. Satya Ranjan Jena, Dr. Sraddhanjali Mohapatra, Dr. Tejaswini Kar, Mr. Subrat Behera, and Mr. Soubhagya Ranjan Prusty.

Patent Name:- A System and a Method for Improving Current Profile in a Hybrid Energy Sourceb(Australian Patent)

Patent number – 2021102775 ; Status Granted – 2nd March 2022

Abstract of the Patent:

The present disclosure seeks to provide a method to predict coronary artery disease using fuzzy expert system. The Shunt Active Filter (ShAF) based on Sinusoidal current Control Strategy(SCCS )offers assurance against current harmonics as well as improves the power factor. The grid injected current in case of ShAF under the PV-integrated condition is found to be 1.4%.This is all about harmonic current mitigation (as one of the major power quality issue) through the imaginary power owing to their precise and audacious action by ShAF builds on SCC in a grid tied PV system. The SCCS is employed to liberate sinusoidal current commenced from the supply additionally with a burly synchronizing (Phase Locked Loop) circuit, concise the controller for ShAF. Explicitly by a sinusoidal current control based controller ShAF acts as a harmonic isolator amidst with load and supply. The performance of the said technique was evaluated using MATLAB under passive load (non-linear load). The efficacy of the ShAF in harmonics mitigation is validated through the proposed simulation.

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