KIIT Quality Assurance Cell Organizes Hands-on Workshop for Demonstrators-2021


KIIT Quality Assurance Cell organized a Two-Day Hands-on Workshop-21 for Demonstrators/Technical Assistants/Lab Instructors/Lab Technicians/ Computer Programmers of all Schools during 7th and 8th August, 2021 on virtual mode. 

During the Inaugural Session on 7th August, 2021, Prof. P. K. J. Mohapatra, Professor Emeritus, KIIT-DU appreciated the efforts of all members of Quality Assurance Cell for organizing such workshops and shared his vast experience.  He proposed to continue this sort of workshop once or twice every year.

Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Pro Vice Chancellor, KIIT-DU congratulated the Director, Quality Assurance and his team for organizing the workshop. “Demonstrators play a key role in academic and research laboratories. They are academic agents in translating theory to practice by hand holding the students. This role has to be redefined as well as refined to match with fast changes in technology and education. The objective of the workshop is to provide opportunities for the development skills to facilitate creating and managing a learner based environment”, she stated. She expressed her happiness with the performance of demonstrators in a virtual lab during the Covid pandemic. She emphasized the importance of problem solving, and coping up with new syllabus.

During 1st day of the workshop (7th August,2021), Resource persons were: Dr. C. K. Das (Director, Administration); Dr C.K.Panigrahi, (Director, Quality Assurance); Dr S. Allamsetty, (Faculty Coordinator, QA Cell, SoEE); Dr. P. Pattajoshi (Dean, School of Applied Science); Dr. Arindam Deb  (Dy Director, Accreditation); Dr. Samresh Mishra (Director, Student Affairs); Dr. P. C. Mishra (Dean, Research, School of Mechanical Engineering); Prof Tapas Roy (Assistant Director, Rankings); Sri P.K.Chamupaty, Jt. Registrar(Administration) KIIT DU; Dr. Shradha Padhi (Professor,KSOM); Dr Srikant Das (Head, ICT Cell); Dr  M. Jena (Professor, SME); Air Vice Marshal Prof. (Dr.) R. C. Das (Vice Principal – KIMS); Dr. J.R.Mohanty (Registrar, KIIT DU) and all experts delivered the talk as per schedule. Each session was moderated by Prof Giridhari Sahoo (Commerce); Prof Nihari Bala Nayak (Nursing); Prof Tapan Kumar Bastia (Applied Science); Prof Dipti Ranjan Biswal (Civil); Prof Susanta Bahinipati (Fashion Technology);and Prof Sukanya Dasgupta (Architecture) as per schedule.

During 2nd day of the workshop (8th August,21), Resource persons were: Dr M.K. Moharana, (Associate Professor, SoEE); Dr. I. Panigrahi (Dy Director, SR); Dr U.P.Singh, (Dean, Research, SoETC); Dr S.R.Jena, Faculty Coordinator, QA Cell (SoEE); Dr Biswajit Mishra (Dean, Quality Assurance Cell); and Dr Ashok Kumar Sar Professor,KSOM and all experts delivered talks as per the schedule. All the sessions had participatory discussion with experts and participants. Each session was moderated by Prof Biswaranjita Mohapatra (Mass Education) and Prof Rahul Modak (Bio Technology).

During valedictory session (8th August,21), Prof.S.K.Mahapatra, Director, KIIT School of Management (KSOM) appreciated the efforts of all the members of Quality Assurance Cell to make the workshop a grand success and shared his experience about the students mind connect in lab. Prof. Gopal C Kundu, Director – R & D, KIIT DU was very delighted about the workshop and suggested to provide the support to do product based research. Dr. Samresh Mishra, Director, Student Affairs shared the feedback of participants and was very elated with active participation and support of participants. Prof. HK Mohanty, Vice Chancellor congratulated Prof Panigrahi and all the members of Quality Assurance Cell and all the participants for such an engaging meeting during Covid-19 pandemic. He advised technical staff to take a proactive role in the development of KIIT-DU and nurture a positive environment for learning. He suggested developing an integrated equipment management system for sophisticated instruments for better utilization of resources.

At the outset, Prof Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi, Director, Quality Assurance extended a warm welcome to the experts for the workshop. The Hands-on Workshop (7th to 8th August 2021) had a total of 18 sessions on selected emerging topics which were related to the lab exclusively. Release of Lab Trainers’ Hand Book -2021 was made by the dignitaries.  Dr. Chinmaya Kumar Das, Director, Administration, KIIT DU and Dr Biswajit Mishra, Dean Quality Assurance Cell extended word of thanks during Inaugural and Valedictory sessions of the workshop to the participants for their active support and involvement. Prof Lipsa Subhadarshini coordinated both Inaugural Session and Valedictory Sessions very well. The Registrar, Deans, Directors, Principals of all the schools, Faculty coordinators of QA Cell and all demonstrators of KIIT DU were present during the workshop. The Workshop was completed with a collection of feedback and a common test. All the participants appreciated the talk of each in-house resource person.

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