KSFH Organizes Faculty Development Programme, and Distinguished Lecture


Faculty Development Programme, and Distinguished Lecture, was held at School of Social, Financial & Human Sciences, KIIT-DU, recently, on the topic “Agro-ecology, Institutions and Territorial Structuring of Food Systems: Insights from France and India” by Marie Dervillè, Agro-economist & Associate Professor, French National Superior School for Agricultural Training (ENSFEA), Toulouse, France.

Building on historical institutionalism and regulation theory, the speaker considers sectorial and territorial dynamics as social space, at the same time relatively autonomous and yet framed by their relations to other entities (states, firms). Collective action within sectorial or territorial communities contribute to the creation and distribution of productive resources and related usage and exchange value (intangible property rights regime). She mobilizes a systemic, historic and comparative approach, combining in depth field work with statistical analysis to highlight the institutional arrangements of formal and informal rules framing stakeholders’ representations of and relations to resources.

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