KIIT International Student’s Podcast Organized by KSAC


The KIIT International Student Society, functioning under KSAC, organized the 2nd episode of Student’s podcast featuring Nepal. The event was hosted by Miss Shreya Mallik, a first year student. Nitesh Kumar Mehta presented on the geography and climate of Nepal, while Raj Shah described its culture, ethnicity and festivals. Naresh Khatiwada took the audience through the monuments and history, while the traditional dance and music was explained by Pratik Mishra. The journey of environment and tourism was lucidly explained by Suraj Karn, traditional games and sports by Siddhartha Suman.

The videos, creative and editing were done by Rahul Pal, Smriti Priya Shah and Ajay Khatri. The event was well organized by the Coordinators and Assistant Coordinator of KIIT International Student Society, Miss Sugee Geethama, Miss Suweni Rajapakshe and Mr. Selim Sarowar. Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, Deputy Director Student Services, Mr. Vikas Kumar Sabata, Joint Director KIIT International Relations, Ms. Abantika Pattanayak, Staff- In-charge and Mr. Sidharth Roy, Asst. Liaison Officer, KIIT International Relations were also present. The entire show was LIVE on KSAC Facebook page.

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