Technical Talk on World of Cement, Concrete and Career Scopes in Cement Marketing Industry conducted in KSCE


ICE  student chapter under KIIT Society of Civil Engineers(KSCE) organized a Technical Talk on “World of Cement, Concrete and Career  Scopes in Cement Marketing Industry” on 29th August, 2018. The Technical Session started with welcoming  the  guests from Dalmia (Bharat Cement),Er. Amitava Mitra, AGM-Technical Services and Er. Tushar Mohapatra, Regional Head-Technical Services and other guests from Dalmia Cement by the student volunteers.

Dr. Benugopal Mohapatra, Dean, SCE  along with Senior  Professor Dr. A.K. Rath formally welcomed the guests. In his address, Dr. Benugopal Mohapatra narrated about the Schools’ industry engagement activities with various leading industries of the country. He stated that this type of program  will enhance the skill of the students and make them employable immediately after graduation.

The AGM, Er. Amitav Mitra presented a comprehensive technical talk covering history of cement, cement production and consumption pattern as well as role of Civil Engineers in cement marketing industry.  He also presented the construction practices which will be very useful for the young engineers especially to the final year  B. Tech students for placement activities.

Er. Tushar Mohapatra emphasized the scope and future of jobs in cement Industry. The talk  followed by an interactive session comprising  quiz activities by Dalmia Cement where the students were quite enthusiastic to answer the questions and received prizes. Finally a photo session was conducted and the session was concluded  with vote of thanks by Dr. K.P.Samal Associate Professor SCE & Faculty In-charge of KSCE. More than 100 Faculties, Students and  Administrative Staff members attended the program.

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