Seminar on “Mathematics and Reality” was organized by KIIT School of Applied Sciences


A one-day Seminar on “Mathematics and Reality” was organized by KIIT School of Applied Sciences (Mathematics) in association with Bhaktivedanta Institute, Kolkata on 30th August, 2018.

Inaugurating the event, the Vice Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University, Prof. Hrushikesh Mohanty spoke about Mathematical Patterns in nature and its’ great relevance to the modern world.

Shri Varun Agarwal, Director  and  Shri K. Vasudeva Rao, President of  Bhaktivedanta Institute elucidated about scientific discoveries, mathematical formulae and consciousness. The concept of ‘Life’ in a greater perspective in connection with Quantum Science was also presented.

Prof. S. Nanda, Head, CIR also elaborated the topic further and emphasized on

the relevance of the topic to the scientists and technocrats of tomorrow. The seminar was organized as a pre conference event on the same topic to be held at IIT, Bhubaneswar on 6th and 7th October, 2018. Faculty members and a large number of students participated in the Seminar.

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