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KIIT Schools

KIIT School News from KIIT University

Understanding Swine flu and its Prevention

Keeping in mind the current burning public Health problem in Odisha & around the globe a one day seminar was organized by the Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing & Child Health Nursing department of KINS on the

Celebration of Breast Feeding Week

Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, celebrated“World breastfeeding week”-2017from 1st-7th Augonthe theme “Sustaining Breast feeding together” organized by the faculties and students  of KINS.On 2st Aug a role play was enactedby 3rdyr

Faculty Development Programme-2017

Faculty development programme is an initiative of KIIT in strengthening knowledge & skill of all faculties to impart qualitative education programme. Like every year this year also Faculty development programme was conducted at KIIT

CSST Training

Three-daysDAKSHATA “skills standardized Training programme” was Organized by jhpiego in association with Kalinga institute of Nursing Sciences from 19th june - 21st june 2017.Total 16 participants were participated

Celebration of International Midwives’ Day

Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, KIIT celebrated“International Midwives’Day”on 5th May 2017on the theme“Midwives,Mothers and Families: partners for life”. Which was organized by of Departmentof O&G Nursing and Pediatric Nursing

1st International Nursing Conference (INC-2016)

Keeping up with the virtues of KIIT, Mr. Chandan Pradhan; faculty of KINS (CON) along with seven M.Sc. Nursing IInd year students attended the 1st International Nursing Conference on “Recent Advances in Nursing Education, Nursing Research,

State Level One-Day Seminar Of Somi, India

State level one-day Seminar was organised by Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences in association with SOMI, India on theme “Caring for mothers & their newborns” on 19/11/2016 at KINS, KIIT. The Programme was inaugurated with lighting

World Heart Day Celebration – 2016

Cardiovascular diseases are becoming a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in industrialized Coronary Artery Disease has become the most important cause of premature death and disability in the population. World Heart Day was founded

Seminar on “Nutrition & its Components

Nutrition is the priority need for each and every age group. Keeping in mind this concept a seminar was organised by Faculties of KINS on 28th September-2016 on the theme “Nutrition & It’s Components” for the students of GNM 1st year