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FOGSI CME on Preterm Labour

Doctors from Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences namely Dr. Asima Das delivered a speech on micronutrients and Dr. Monalisa Rajguru as a panelist discussed about management of Preterm labour. She presented a talk on "supplements in

New Innovation on “Toilet Bed”

Innovation is to put new ideas into practice or renovating existing ideas into practice. Every Nurse is an agent for change and an innovator. In this way one of the GNM 2nd year student Miss. Sumitra Rout, Kalinga Institute of Nursing

KIMS organises Spiritual Talk

Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences organised a spiritual talk in which  Rajyogini B.K. Savitha delivered discourse on the topic “Unburdening the Burden” and “Stress-free Living” on 4th February, 2020. Rajyogini B.K. Savitha, an

16th Annual CHESTCON held at KIMS

The 16th Annual CHESTCON 2020 under the aegis of Odisha Chest Society was organized at Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bhubaneswar on 11thand 12th January, 2020 by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine. The meeting was

KIMS shines at IRACON 2019

KIMS made its presence felt at the National Rheumatology Conference ‘IRACON 2019’ held at Puducherry from 5th to 8th of December, 2019. Under the able guidance of the head of Dept. of Medicine Prof. S.S. Panda and unit heads