Yearly Archives


KIDS Observes International Day of Yoga

Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences (KIDS), KIIT Deemed to be University in association with Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) Bhubaneswar Chapter organized an online program on the occasion of “International Day of Yoga” on 21st

KIIT & KISS Observe 7th International Yoga Day

The 7th International Yoga Day was observed by KIIT Group of Institutions & KISS on 21st June 2021 in virtual mode. The theme of the International Yoga Day for this year was “Yoga for Well Being”. On this occasion, Dr. Gaganendu Dash,

KINS Conducts Journal Club Presentation

A Research Critique is an analysis of a research undertaking that focuses on its strengths and limitations. Journal Club presentation is an educational forum to appreciate new knowledge, create awareness of

Journal Papers (June 2021)

KIIT School of Applied Sciences 1. Barik, S.K., Bramha, S.N., Pattanaik, A.K., Patel, R.K., Bastia, T.K., Samal, R.N., Behera, D. and Rath, P. (2021), Phosphorus Sorption Behaviour of the Largest Brackish Water Lagoon, South Asia