KIIT School of Electrical Engineering Organizes AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme


School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University organized a six-day AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on “Electric Vehicle and Smart Grid: A Path Towards Sustainable Energy” which was conducted on virtual mode from 17th to 23rd December 2021.

Gracing the Inaugural Session as the Chief Guest, Col. B. Venkat, Director, Faculty Development Cell, AICTE, New Delhi, spoke on the importance of refresher programme and stressed upon the role of academician to shape the future generation. Dr. Pratapsinh Kakasaheb Desai, President, ISTE, New Delhi, said that the time has come to change ourselves to cope up with the new technology by gaining updated knowledge. Prof. Ranjan Kumar Behera, Associate Professor, IIT, Patna, in his address, laid importance on knowledge for the development of the society.

Speaking at the inaugural session, Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty said that researchers should solve real world problems through their research works. Prof. Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar, emphasized collaborative research work and spoke on the importance of EV in future transportation systems. In his address, Prof. Byamakesh Nayak, Dean, School of Electrical Engineering, discussed the importance of refresher courses and briefed about the facilities available in the School. The programme coordinator Dr. Alivarani Mohapatra thanked AICTE- ISTE and KIIT-DU for giving the opportunity to conduct the programme.

The refresher programme had 100 faculty participants shortlisted from different states of India. The programme had 14 technical sessions, one session on NEP-2020 for technical education and one session on Importance of Yoga and Meditation for healthy life. Resource persons were from reputed institutions like IITs, NITs and Industry who delivered their expert lectures to enrich the knowledge of participants. Various topics were discussed thoroughly which aimed to contribute towards improvement of the updated knowledge in the field of Electric Vehicle and Smart Grid of the participants.

At the valedictory session, Prof. Vijay D. Vaidya, Executive Secretary, ISTE, New Delhi praised the coordinator and the organizing School for the successful completion of the programme. Among others, Prof. Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi, Prof. Sarat Chandra Swain, Prof. Manoj Kumar Maharana, Prof. Rudranarayan Dash and Prof. Tanmoy Roy Choudhury spoke on the occasion. The inaugural and valedictory vote of thanks were given by Prof. Ranjeeta Patel and Prof. Sarita Samal of the school respectively.

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