KIIT School of Electrical Engineering Celebrates IEEE Day


The School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT-DU observed IEEE Day with the theme “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow” on 3rd October 2023.

Prof. Byamakesh Nayak, Dean, School of Electrical Engineering (SoEE), discussed the benefits and scope of IEEE student membership for various IEEE Students Societies Chapters. He appreciated the efforts of IEEE student volunteers and faculty members of SoEE in establishing three IEEE Society Chapters: IEEE Kolkata Section Industrial Electronics Society Chapter – Bhubaneswar, IEEE Kolkata Section IEEE Consumer Technology Society Chapter – Bhubaneswar, and IEEE Kolkata Section Industrial Applications Society Chapter – Bhubaneswar, Kolkata Section Chapter.

Furthermore, he urged the School to play a leading role in forming the IEEE KIIT Student Branch. Currently, there are five Student Branch Chapters at KIIT, namely IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTS), and IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS).

Dr. Ranjeeta Patel, Chair of IEEE IAS Joint Society Chapter Bhubaneswar Kolkata Section, Secretary of IEEE PELS Joint Society Chapter Bhubaneswar Kolkata Section, and Advisor, KIIT IEEE IAS and CT SBC, presented on the various activities organized by different IEEE Students Societies Chapters at KIIT.

Earlier, in his welcome address, Prof. (Dr.) Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi, Director of SoEE and Chair of IEEE Kolkata Section Industrial Electronics Society Chapter – Bhubaneswar, emphasized the significance of IEEE Day Celebration and motivated the students to become members of IEEE. Prof. Subhra Debdas, Advisor of KIIT IEEE Computational Intelligence Society SBC, Prof. Tapas Roy of SoEE, and Prof. Subrat Behera of SoEE, Treasurer of IEEE PELS Joint Society Chapter Bhubaneswar Kolkata section, along with staff, IEEE volunteers, PhD Scholars, and graduate students, were also present at the event.

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