School of Social, Financial & Human Sciences (Jun – July 2022)


Journal Papers

1. Sharma, A., Sharma, R., & Panda, S. (2022). The role of technological capabilities and gap in the cross-country patenting: An empirical investigation, International Economics and Economic Policy, 19, 1–27.


This study examines the factors stimulating the cross-country patenting activity post the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement in 1995. In particular, we investigate the role of technological capabilities and technological gap between the home and host country in determining bilateral foreign patenting. We adopt an augmented gravity model approach for sample of 36 countries from 2001 to 2015. Using a negative binomial regression model, we find that technological capabilities of home countries positively influence their patenting activities in other countries. Further, the high technological gap between the host and the home countries reduces the inflow of patents to the destination countries.

2. Sharma, R., Jain, A., & Panda, S. (2022). Bilateral trade potential of IP sensitive products: A comparative study of India and China, Asian Journal of Innovation Policy, 11 (1), 69–86.


This study examines performances and varieties of export of IP sensitive products across emerging countries, namely, India and China, by utilizing 6-digit disaggregated product-level export data. Further, this study constructs trade margins—extensive and intensive margins to understand trade potential and different trade patterns, specifically, exporters’ productivity, product diversification, and volume of trade during 2007–2016. This study finds that India’s performance is comparable with China at the extensive margin though the gap between India and China is very wide in terms of the total value of exports and the intensive margin. China majorly exports more expensive electronics and manufacturing-related products as opposed to relatively cheaper medicinal and synthetic products, the total value of exports from China to the rest of the world is much higher than that of India. This study suggests that India is exporting IP-sensitive products to lower-income countries sufficiently, but the IP-sensitive exports to higher-income countries are still lagging.

3. Sahoo, P. K., Rath, B. N., & Le, V. (2022). Nexus between export, productivity, and competitiveness in the Indian manufacturing sector. Journal of Asian Economics, 79, 101454.


This article assesses the nexus between export, productivity, and competitiveness in the Indian manufacturing sector. To do this, we examine the “learning by exporting” and “self-selection” hypotheses using firm-level data relating to Indian manufacturing firms relating to period from 1994 to 2017. The empirical analysis supports the “learning by exporting” hypothesis, but does not support the “self-selection” hypothesis. We also investigate the impact of export on competitiveness, and the results indicate a positive relationship. These findings remain consistent when we segregate manufacturing firms based on industries, intensity use of labor and capital, and firm ownership. In the light of these findings, we recommend that policy focus on enhancing the export capacity of manufacturing firms to further strengthen the competitiveness of Indian manufacturing.

4. Sahoo, D. K., & Sahoo, P.K. (2022). Efficiency, productivity dynamics and determinants of productivity growth in Indian telecommunication industries: An empirical analysis. Journal of Public Affairs, 22(1), e2353.


This paper examines the efficiency and productivity dynamics of the Indian telecommunication sector with the help of non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis approach for the period 2008–2015. The study finds that the year-wise mean Total factor productivity (TFP) growth is positive in 2011 and 2013 only, where the overall TFP growth is negative. From the components of TFP growth, we find that the negative growth of the firm is due to the negative technology change, not due to the change of inefficiency of the firms. However, the mean efficiency score is positive and is backed by a scale efficiency change. Further, from the dynamic-GMM model, the study ascertains that the determinants of TFP growth are positively affected by profit intensity, advertisement intensity, import intensity and capital intensity and negatively affected by the firm’s debt ratio in case of Indian telecommunication firms. This finding suggests to the policymaker that by increasing the key determinants, the performance of telecommunication firms can be enhanced.

5. Sahoo, P. K., Le, V., & Rath, B. N. (2022). The determinants of firm competitiveness: Evidence from the Indian manufacturing sector. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 29(2), 139–159.


This paper investigates the determinants of competitiveness of Indian manufacturing sector. First, based on multi-variate Industrial Competitiveness Index (ICI), the result reveals that capital-intensive firms are more competitive than labor-intensive firms. Second, the results also indicate that foreign-owned firms are more competitive than domestic firms. Third, the determinants of competitiveness derived from Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) and dynamic panel GMM model indicate that the firms’ external factors such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and infrastructure positively affect manufacturing firms’ competitiveness. However, internal factors such as firm age and debt have a negative effect on Indian manufacturing firms’ competitiveness, but the lag effect of R&D intensity and advertisement intensity has a positive impact on firms’ competitiveness. Our results are robust in different sub-categories based on industry sub-sectors and firm ownership structure.

6. Hota, S. L. (2022). Customer perception on ECR technology: A comparative study. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 10171–10182.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become the key strategic tool in the hands of the banks that have moved away from pure banking to need based banking. This focal point of today’s need-based banking is achieving customer satisfaction because organization survival depends upon satisfied customers and customer retention leads to revenue generation. Thus, survival, growth and profitability in this present age technology-driven and competitive world is a culmination of products, services and customer relationship. The main purpose behind this study is to analyze if the ECRM techniques used by particular banks have been successful in bringing about customer satisfaction. Long term satisfied customers reflect loyalty and bank’s success in implementing its Customer Relationship Management strategies.

7. Hota, S. L. (2022). Analysis of influencer marketing impact on buying behaviour of teenagers. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 7(1), 93–98.


In this research different effects of influencer marketing in the teenagers have been critically evaluated. A survey has been conducted on a random sample of size 25 persons to identify the effectiveness of influencer marketing on teenagers. 72% of the research participants, most of them teenagers, found products reliable when the different social media influencers were promoting the products. 80% of the teenagers from all over the globe have agreed with the fact that as a result of a similar lifestyle the social media influencers are able to make a strong impact on teenagers regarding brand perceptions. Also the study shows that females will get strongly affected compared to the male counterparts.

8. Roy, B., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., & Gowda, K. R. (2022). Ethical conflicts among the leading medical and healthcare leaders. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 17(1), 165–172.


Today, the whole world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. In these circumstances, medical professionals are being viewed as the frontline warriors who are risking their lives for the sake of helping, caring, and curing these patients. However, in these difficult times, there are a few medical professionals and health care providers who are taking advantage of this situation and taking advantage of distressed and distraught patients at will. A conflict between professional and personal ethical values makes them depressed and puzzled. It is tough for them to maintain a good image of their profession and business. The objectives of this study are to review the ethical conflict amid the ongoing Covid pandemic and post-Covid pandemic (vaccination period) in the context of medical professionals and health care providers. The paper is designed based on a literature review. Fifty-two research papers, articles, survey reports, and newspapers were studied in the context of ethics in business/profession. Keeping in view the moral distress in the post-pandemic period, the researchers have presented the critical situation of medical professionals and health care providers.

9. Bhalerao, K., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., & Pujari, P. (2022). A study of barriers and benefits of artificial intelligence adoption in small and medium enterprise. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26, 1–6.


The focus of this paper is to understand the constraints and benefits of AI adoption in SMEs. In today’s competitive business world, if SMEs do not upgrade with available technologies, they may lose their competitive position. Researchers have tried to address the issue by exploring questions related to challenges and advantages of AI adoption in SMEs. Past research and literature on challenges and barriers to AI application in SMEs were reviewed.  It was found that  factors such as AI technical competencies of human resources, poor financial position, size of the organization, orientation of promoter of business, awareness of AI benefits, and data quality are the foremost challenges and the customized AI technologies assist in improvement in the performance of decision making, acquisition, development, and retention of employees, management of inventory, creation of customer base and understanding of buying behavior and protecting SMEs from cyberattacks.

10. Panda, K., Kumar, A., Das, S.M., & Nanda, A. (2022).  Banker’s services that lead to customer’s satisfaction in availing home loan. Korea Review of International Studies, 15(35), 97–113.


The goal of this study is to look closely at bankers’ opinions of their services and their ability to meet client expectations. The study includes an investigation of completely different views, such as categorizing the services and assigning the pieces accordingly. It employed varimax rotation and chi-square analysis of data collected from clients of private and public banks in Odisha, India, who were looking for a home loan. It also includes banks that operate in both urban and rural areas. The findings show that private banks are more capable of matching client views with what? due to spontaneous responses from employees, although public banks are capable of supplying conversant people. Means what? As per the analysis, to attract new customers in rural areas public sector banks are better because of the trust factor, whilst to attract urban customers private banks are better because of their creative offerings. However, there is some dissatisfaction, such as choosing to invest in outlooks Means what? and high service prices by the private bankers, whereas public banks prioritise regulations. The current research might be seen as a counter-plan for both banking sectors because it indicates a wide set of features retained by respective opponents and can be seen as bankers’ strategic edge. Could not understand!

11. Sen, L., Kumar, A., Hota, S., Biswal, S.K., & Panda, K. (2022).  A profile view of healthcare service sector organizations through integration with organizational culture and subculture. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 17(2), 1823.


Purpose: This paper aims to identify the fundamental features of culture within an organization and thereafter examines the subculture, which is imminent in relation to the attributes of employees.

Methodology: This research was carried out by involving 22 prominent healthcare service sector organizations, which were selected randomly from three major districts of Odisha state, India. The study is based on 358 selected sample responses from front-line employees of these selected healthcare service sector organizations. The statistical techniques that were used on data derived in this study were analysis of variance, descriptive statistics, and t-tests.

Findings: It was found that employees of the healthcare service sector organizations considered cultural characteristics such as outcome, team orientation, and attention to detail to be the least prevailing in their organizations. The study revealed significant differentiation of the perception of the organizational culture prevailing within the organization, through post facto analysis of verification for variation potentials, for tenure in a specific position, age, and job position. Thus, this study argues that based on occupation, employment relationship type, and gender, an insignificant influence was displayed on the employees’ perception of the prevailing organizational culture.

Practical Implications: The development of a superior culture that promotes service quality enhancement maximizes patient satisfaction. To achieve successful proliferation and quintessential existence of the organization, it is cardinal that all the personnel within the organization have a firm grasp of the main operating culture and the intrinsic subculture. This study highlights the impact of organizational culture and subcultures within various organizations catering to the healthcare service sector of Odisha.

Book Chapter

  1. Kumar, A. (2022). Blockchain technology dislocates traditional practice through cost cutting in international commodity exchange. Smart City Infrastructure: The Blockchain Perspective, 185-204.


A Blockchain is a ledger that exists digitally and can be easily traceable by any public or private body. The records of all the transactions are being maintained through cryptography that is distributed through computer networks worldwide. The present paper considers the soybeans trading from the Indian export market, i.e., Madhya Pradesh to Brazil FOB. The result provides that this technology brings down the cost by 3.2% and a further reduction of 38% in total cost that includes the time for transit and documentation per bushel of soybeans. Detailed analysis of risk factors through value-at-risk models suggests a reduction of 2.9% per bushel of Soybeans. This result might not be significant for any financial sector but for the agro-business; these amounts of reduction impact a large for the farmers and other stakeholders by implementing the technology of Blockchain in international commodity trading.

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