School of Management (KSOM) (Jun – Jul 2022)


PhD Awards

Deepti Mishra

Scholar Name- Deepti Mishra

Supervisor Name- Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy

Thesis Title: -Challenges Faced by Working Women in IT Sector

Abstract In recent times the participation of Indian women in workforce has increased a lot. Working women have to manage both their personal and professional sphere of life. While performing multiple roles (like spouse, wife, mother, employee, daughter etc) and balancing it, they confront conflict between their different roles. Role conflict was originally theorized by Katz & Kahn (1966) as one of two facets of role stress, the other facet being role ambiguity. As defined by them, role conflict is ‘the simultaneous occurrence of two (or more) role sending such that compliance with one would make more difficult compliance with the other’, and is based on the effects of having multiple roles within one’s work context. Objective of the research is to understand the challenges faced by women working in IT sector, to understand the impact of role conflict on women working in IT sector and also to study the implication of COVID-19 on role conflict among women working in IT sector. Both primary and secondary data have been collected for the study. Here sample size is 351. Reliability, validity test and factor analysis test were conducted. It was found that Covid-19 emergency and martial workload contributes the highest negative impact on role conflict among working women. According to the study, role conflict has many negative impacts like stress, psychological disorder (insomnia, depression), physiological disorder (heart disease, blood pressure). Organization should organize wellness programs.  

Gayatri Panda

Scholar Name- Gayatri Panda

Supervisor Name – Dr. Sumita Mishra

Thesis Title- Impact of Competency-based Training Need Assessment on the Productivity of Middle-Level Indian Information Technology Professionals

Abstract In light of the rapid change in business conditions, organizations have realized the importance of integrating employee competencies with organizational goals and framed strategic decisions. Competencies and skill management of employees are closely linked with the strategic objective of an organization to create competition, innovation, and efficiency. Training can be defined as a systematic approach for enhancing the competencies of employees to perform and meet market demand by achieving productive results. Therefore, it is imperative for an organization to systematically carry out the training needs assessment and validate with a comprehensive perspective. Competency-based training closely relates to developing the ability of an individual to adopt the transformative learning approach that leads to productivity enhancement. The present research work is an endeavour to determine the competencies that need to be possessed among middle-level Information technology (IT) managers and how competency-based training impacts measuring productivity. Overall, limited study has been done by taking all these constructs and, again, among middle-level Indian informational technology professionals. The present study developed a hypothetical structural model on competency-based training needs assessment of productivity of middle-level IT managers (CBTNAP) to test the hypotheses formulated and analyze the relationship among the study variables. The sampling technique adopted in the study was snowball sampling. A structured questionnaire was designed and distributed incorporating demographic variables such as age, gender, work experience, marital status, and a scale was developed measuring employee competencies, training need assessment, and productivity. The questionnaire was distributed to 505 middle-level managers working in an information technology company across the country. Weblink was shared with these managers, explaining the purpose of the study. After outlier elimination and verification of completeness of responses, finally, 412 responses were used for the final analysis. The normality of the data was checked using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics; person’s correlation was computed using SPSS 24.0 and structural equation modeling was built using AMOS 23.0. In addition, exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha tests were conducted on each scale to find the reliability and validity in the current sample. First, the factors of employee competencies, training need assessment, and productivity were identified through exploratory factor analysis. Second, the identified factors were validated through confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, the study developed a structural model to assess the mediating impact of training need assessment between employee competencies and productivity. The analysis of the model revealed that competency-based training has a significantly positive relationship with productivity. Furthermore, possessing the competency clusters such as dynamism and client orientation, acceptability towards change, delegation, and team building, ICT orientation determines the effective utilization of training designed and yields positive results for the individual and organizational productivity enhancement. Overall, the study provided an ‘Employee-centric’ model that helps determine the close relationship between training need assessment and productivity of an organization.

Lakshmi Prasad Padhy

Scholar Name- Lakshmi Prasad Padhy

Supervisor Name- Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy

Thesis Title- A Comparative Study on Impact of Knowledge Management in Public and Private Sector Banks

Abstract The Banking System constitutes the most dominant segment of the financial sector. Liberalization, deregulation, globalization and banking sector reforms have compelled the banks to find new ways to perform better than their competitors and to outshine each other in terms of successfully tapping customer’s requirement of various products and services. In order to attract and retain customers, banks no more depend on traditional manual system of banking operations  but, instead, look out for knowledge sharing  and management as it aids in increased efficiency and effectiveness of banking processes, procedures and policies. These benefits make knowledge management crucial in banking industry for endurance and growth. In the present scenario of cutthroat competition, banks must understand their data, information and knowledge very well, as only this would help attain and retain knowledge, which can be achieved by implementing Knowledge Management (KM) successfully. Knowledge is progressively being acknowledged as a crucial organizational resource which offers competitive strength to the banks. In order to live up to the expectations of the customers, banks constantly endeavour to innovate their products and services, re-engineer the new business models and upgrade the delivery channels which  would enhance the customer satisfaction level and increase business growth. Banks have started realizing the fact that knowledge positively influences the growth, development and performance. The concluding observations from the study delineate that out of seven variables related to impact of knowledge management on organizational performance, there is similarity of opinion among public sector bank employees and private sector bank employees in respect of two hypotheses, but for the remaining five hypotheses as the mean value is more for the private sector banks as compared to public sector banks, private sector bank employees strongly favor  the hypotheses as compared to public sector bank employees. In case of four variables related to impact of knowledge management on employees performance, as the mean value is more for private sector banks as compared to public sector banks, it can be concluded that private sector bank employees strongly favour  the hypotheses identified as compared to public sector bank employees. For the four variables related to impact of knowledge management on customer service quality, two hypotheses being null, there is no difference of opinion for the same hypotheses among the public and private sector bank employees. However, for the remaining two hypotheses the mean value is more for the private sector banks and accordingly private sector bank employees are having strong support for these variables as compared to public sector bank employees. Finally, out of seven variables related to effect of COVID-19 on knowledge management practices, five null hypotheses have been accepted which indicate that employees from both public sector banks and private sector banks believe in same line for these hypotheses. But in case of two hypotheses as the mean value is more for the private sector banks as compared to public sector banks, it can be said that private sector bank employees support strongly for these two variables as compared to public sector bank employees.
Meseret Diriba Odaa

Scholar Name- Meseret Diriba Odaa

Supervisor Name- Dr. Koustubh Kanti Ray

Thesis Title- The Determinants of Capital Structure Decision of Ethiopian Manufacturing Companies

Abstract The major purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect the capital structure decision of manufacturing companies in Ethiopia. The study adopts panel data from 127 manufacturing companies for ten years from 2009–2010 to 2018–2019. The company-level data were collected from the audited financial statements of manufacturing companies in the Large Taxpayers Revenue and Customs Authority (LTRCA) database and the macroeconomic data were collected from the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), CSA (Central Statistical Agency), National Planning Commission of Ethiopia (NPCE), and World Bank databases. The data after 2019 of most companies were not available as most of them were affected by the current pandemic and the existing data are also excluded from this study in order to avoid the impact of the covid-19 and clearly identify the determinants of the capital structure. Both the company-level determinants (company size, tangibility, profitability, market share, internal growth, liquidity, and technology) and macroeconomic determinants (Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, inflation, industry value addition, and political stability) of the capital structure are employed as independent variables. The dependent variable of this study is leverage which is measured by the debt-equity and leverage ratios. The statistical method employed to analyze the gathered data was panel data analysis. In the panel data analysis, the study adopted fixed-effect and random-effect models. The result of panel data regression analysis reveals that internal growth, profitability, market share, company size, and technology are the most important determinants of the capital structure of Ethiopian manufacturing companies, whether the leverage is measured in debt-equity or leverage ratios. Internal growth and company size were found to be directly associated with  leverage; however profitability, market share, and technology were inversely related to leverage. This study will act as an empirical reference to the existing literature and to the future study of capital structure decisions of nonfinancial companies. Moreover, some new,  understudied, and hence the most important determinants are deliberated in this study, such as internal growth, market share, technology, industry value addition, and political stability. The findings of this study propose that financial decision-makers of manufacturing companies in Ethiopia should consider the important company level and macroeconomic determinants before making leverage decisions.

Pragyan Ranjan Gharai

Scholar Name- Pragyan Ranjan Gharai

Supervisor Name- Dr. Biswajit Das

Thesis Title- Social Entrepreneurship in Value Creation with Special Reference to KIIT University

Abstract Social entrepreneurs play the role of change agents in the social sectors adopting a mission to create and sustain social value, recognizing and relentlessly pursuing new opportunities to serve that mission; engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaptation and learning, acting boldly without being limited to resources currently in hand, and exhibiting a heightened sense of accountability to the constituencies served and for the outcomes created. The social entrepreneur par excellence, Prof. Achyuta Samanta has dedicated his life for educating the underprivileged tribal children. There could not have been a better recognition to the visionary founder of KIIT and KISS who has been working relentlessly for zero poverty, zero hunger and zero illiteracy for over three decades. Expressing gratitude to KISS and its Founder for conferring him the KISS Humanitarian Award, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof. Yunus said, “It is an amazing experience to visit this great institution. I went around different campuses of KIIT & KISS and it is like a dreamland. So much has been created in such a short time by Dr. Samanta. It is like a magic”.  At this backdrop, the researcher modestly endeavored to evaluate the role of KIIT in creation of values as a social entrepreneur. Simultaneously, the study also attempted to assess the perception of the students and employees towards the founder, a Gandhian Saint Dr. Achyuta Samanta, instrumental in creation of social values, non-profit motive of KIIT and balancing strategy adopted by KIIT in creation of social values.  The findings reveal that in spite of being a private academic organization, KIIT has established the supreme example of a social entrepreneur due to the untiring and selfless endeavour of the true Gandhian Professor Achyuta Samanta. Whereas very many private academic organizations have been charging exorbitant fees for admission even as the Govt. remains a mute spectator, KIIT sets the best example of non-profit motive with the creation of values like philanthropy, compassion, art of giving, gender justice, go-green and many others. On the basis of the above findings, it can be safely concluded that KIIT has carved a niche in the wall of social entrepreneurship by creating social values in an unparallel manner. It has not only created values from the point of view of its stated mission, but has also exerted tremendous impact on the employees and shown the evidence of relocation of values in gestures. In a way, KIIT has broadened the concept of social entrepreneurship by crating the values of compassion and human wellbeing beyond the existing ideal type. All private Universities of the developing world must emulate the social entrepreneurship mechanism of KIIT. Their respective Governments should encourage the Universities for such endeavor.  

Sadhna Sudershana

Scholar Name- Sadhna Sudershana

Supervisor Name- Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy

Thesis Title- A comparative study on disengagement of IT employees in TCS and Infosys

Abstract Engagement and Disengagement are two sides of a coin in today’s scenario. Engagement is the extent to which employees feel motivated and happy to work every day. It also talks about the point to which people value and believe in their job. Active engagement maps the productivity and performance of the employees.  Disengagement is an antonym of engagement, and is the state of emotional detachment, separation, retreat or retirement from an activity. Engaged workers are the ones you look forward to seeing on every Monday morning. They are the high-potential employees and feature prominently in their organization’s succession planning process. Disengaged workers, on the other hand, view their jobs as an exchange of time against money. They live a monotonous work-life with no passion for creativity and innovation.  According to recent trends many IT employees are disengaged because of  factors such as cultural variations, politicking, ineffective leadership  etc. The purpose of the research shall be to understand the factors responsible for disengagement in the women employees of TCS and Infosys in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It also aims to provide suggestive measures to curb disengagement based on the findings. The outcome of the present study has shown that there are various factors that affect the disengagement levels in the women employees of TCS and Infosys in Bhubaneswar, Odisha such as work environment, leadership, team work, policies, compensation and training. It was also found that there are different opinions in case of married and unmarried women regarding disengagement. The study has given various suggestions based on the findings to incorporate new methods and policies that shall increase the engagement levels of the employees and accelerate employee retention in the IT sector.  

Samrudha Nayak

Scholar Name- Samrudha Nayak

Supervisor Name- Dr. B.C.M Pattnaik

Thesis Title- A comparative analysis of International Financial Reporting standards (IFRS) Compliance skills in Government and Private Organizations in Odisha

Abstract Globalization of markets and innovations in a highly integrated world has had far-reaching economic shifts and the “accounting” world cannot remain unchanged. The request for global harmonization of accounting standards has been revitalizing since the beginning of the 21st century, and the convergence or adoption of a single set of high-quality standards requiring consistent and comparable financial statements details. Equal value calculations, fair and faithful presentations and new components of financial statements and so on, have also undergone a major change in basic accounting standards and concepts. In addition, rather than prescriptive guidelines, the course of setting accounting standards has changed to “principles.” Two more significant developments have also influenced standards, namely the unprecedented global financial crisis beginning in 2007- 2008 and the creation of a comprehensive reporting environment in 2010 that has the central objective of improving stakeholder communication. In the standard setting sector, policy makers and regulators are watching developments with a strong interest. Consequently, more responsibility and accountability has been assumed in the accounting standards.  The adoption of the IFRS is considered, particularly in developing countries where low financial reporting quality affects their ability to attract foreign capital (Samaha & Khlif, 2016). In the last few decades, there has been a premise that IFRS increases transparency and restricts the decisions taken by managers to handle financial statements that could impact the quality of financial reporting and therefore the financial results of companies (Newman et al., 2016). In India, a lack of training facilities and academic courses on IFRS would also be a difficulty. There is a need for education and training on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and its application. Adopting International Financial Reporting Standards alone will not suffice. For a seamless IFRS adoption procedure, each involved party, notably Top Management and Directors of the Firms, Independent Auditors and Accountants, Regulators and Law Makers, will have to join together and operate as a team. Top management must guarantee that the Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS. Accountants and auditors must produce and audit financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Regulators and legislators must put in place an effective monitoring mechanism for IFRS regulatory compliance. To understand this a systematic approach is adopted and respondents working in the accounts department of both government and private sector organizations are identified to understand their perception regarding IFRS adoption, related skill deficiencies during adoption process. 

Vivek Misha

Scholar Name- Vivek Misha

Supervisor Name- Dr. Biswajit Das

Thesis Title- Web-Store Nudges Influencing Healthier Food Choices

Abstract This study seeks to explore the impactfulness of health nudges, particularly descriptive labelling, product positioning, priming, and descriptive social norm messages in influencing healthier food choices of Generation Z consumers in an online setting. By marrying an online questionnaire with a choice experiment, this study examines the efficacy of four aforementioned health nudges across two product categories, viz., breakfast cereals and snacks. The findings of the study reveal that all the four nudge interventions were efficacious in substantially influencing the healthier food choices of the respondents for the breakfast cereals category and were marginally successful in the case of healthier snack choices. However, the positioning nudge was unsuccessful in influencing healthier snack choices. The effect of the nudges on the healthiness of respondents’ food choices is also influenced by other factors such as product involvement levels, and health/weight control motivation in food choices, followed by demographic factors such as age group, education, and income. When implementing nudges around countries, however, a one-size-fits-all solution should be challenged. More focused approaches, considering various other factors such as lifestyle, personality, attitude, perception, and learning also hold the potential to drastically improve the efficacy of nudges. Interventions designed for the betterment of society at large will not be successful without the participation of other members in the entire value chain. This is where businesses need to expand their vision and turn towards the manufacture and marketing of healthier food products. This will however pose a huge threat to firms engaged in marketing junk food.    

Journal Papers

1. Sahoo, M., & Mishra, S. (2022). Organizational Influences on the Motivation to Transfer Soft Skill Training in an Indian Power Organization. Management and Labour Studies, 47(3), 298-318.


The study extends the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) in examining the influence of key organizational antecedents (supervisory and peer support, opportunities to use the training provided and rewards) on the motivation to transfer (MTT) soft skill training. Trainee self-efficacy (SE) and the desire to learn (DL) are also examined as mediators in determining this influence. The sample included 389 employees from a state-owned power transmission organization in Odisha, India. The resultant findings note the direct and positive influence of organizational antecedents on MTT, SE and DL. Trainee SE and DL partially mediate the association between organizational antecedents and MTT. Given a lack of focus on soft skill training transfer in the Indian power sector, this study is of immense value in identifying relevant organizational enablers that motivate the transfer of soft skills. The study also advances the knowledge on the direct and indirect influence of organizational antecedents on MTT in the Indian cultural context.

2. Behera, P., Satpathy, I., & Patnaik, B. C. M. (2022). Medical Assistance and Healthcare Services Facilitated by Self-Help Groups (SHGs) During COVID-19 in India. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 5(4), 571-580.


 In India women, self-help groups have risen to the extraordinary challenges of the COVID-19(Coronavirus) pandemic. The COVID-19 and its crisis, imposed lockdown and emerged with unique challenges for women’s groups. In the health care sector, during the ongoing war against the COVID-19 pandemic, women played a more significant role in working as frontline staff and being exposed to the deadly disease in many ways. The SHGs being run and governed by women have a lot of contribution towards the more significant production of medical assistance, i.e., masks, sanitizers, PPE kit, and all other protective gear and measures to meet the required and ongoing demands of the health sector. During lockdowns, the women’s group faced a significant challenge as almost all women’s groups met physically. However, they contributed most during such difficult times. During this time there were significant disruptions in the supply chain and distribution of medical products, which has immensely affected and have caused hindrance in women’s menstrual and reproductive health in India. More than 70% women are the world’s frontline health care and social workers, which accounts for a staggering 88.8% of trained nurses. Rural women in Odisha have contributed and helped produce more than 1 million cotton masks for police personnel and healthcare workers.

3. Sengupta, R., Satpathy, I., & Patnaik, B. C. M. (2022). Medical Care Avoidance (MCA): Evidences from Geriatric Health Care in India. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 5(4), 491-504.


Even after sufficient potential in the health sector for treatment; people avoid taking its benefits. People avoid timely medical help, which ultimately leads to delay in proper diagnosis and treatment, which further increases the chances of more complications. The objectives of the present paper are to understand the various factors that lead to medical care avoidance among older people and to provide suggestions based on the findings of the study. For the analysis of the data comprising of 393 older people over the age group of 60 and includes 219 male respondents and the rest were female respondents. The present analysis was done under four broad parameters related to a low perceived need to seek medical care, traditional barriers to seeking medical care, cynical evaluation of seeking health care and other related or relevant factors. In total 60 variables were considered under various categories. It was found that family members were actively involved in providing medical care. There was some barrier in communication between the patient and the health care provider either due to language or the technicalities involved. It was perceived that the health care providers were prescribing unnecessary tests and medication and were more concerned about their fees rather than patients’ welfare. The fear of pain, monetary drain, lack of health insurance and other related factors leads to medical care avoidance by the elderly male and female patients.

4. Singh, D. K., Patnaik, B. C. M., & Satpathy, I. (2022). Internal Dynamics of Self –Medication (SM). Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 5(3), 321-334.


Recently, especially during Covid-19, there has been an increasing trend of Self-Medication (SM) in rural and semi urban areas of India. There are various contributing factors for these practices. It is defined as the use of medicine by patients on his own initiative or on the advice of pharmacists, previous prescription, and suggestion of family members of friends instead of consulting qualified doctors. The medicines which are available with pharmacists without prescription or over the counter (OTC) are known to be part of self-medication. A medicine that requires doctors’ recommendation is known as prescribed product (Rx products).The present work discusses the positive sides at individual level and community level and at the same time possible risks involved at community level and individual level. It was found that even though there were various risks involved due to self-medication, people in rural and semi-urban areas also find some positive side of the same. They believe that it reduces the cost of travelling, and cost of consultation with doctor. Sometimes due to past experience of the same symptoms, people opt for self-medication practices. The study concludes that Potential benefits at individual levels were self – reliance for preventing minor disease and saving of time & energy. Similarly, the same for the community level were extending the health care services to the needy people in rural and remote areas and saving scare medical resources for minor treatments /diseases. Potential risk at individual levels Failure to report or recognize the adverse drug reactions. Failure to seek appropriate medical assistance immediately and from the community point of view wasteful public expenditure and will lead to family disturbance due to death of member of family.

5. Sarangi, S., Renin Singh, R. K., Kar, B. (2022). A comparative assessment of migrant and indigenous entrepreneurs on regional development: A case of Odisha, India. Growth and Change, 53(1), 170-199.


The paper aims to compare the relative influence of migrant and indigenous entrepreneurs on regional development in the eastern state of Odisha in a developing country like India. The data is based on ownership across 30 districts and ten different sectors for small and medium businesses. It is modeled on economic indicators such as Net District Domestic Product (NDDP) and employment generation at the district level. One-way ANOVA and multiple linear regression on the data set suggest that ownership pattern influences development indices differently, hence having policy-level implications based on the goals to be achieved. While migrant entrepreneurs’ impact NDDP and employment opportunities positively for main workers, indigenous entrepreneurs from Odisha positively influence employment opportunities at an overall level, and for marginal workers, everything else remains unchanged. Hence, during slowdowns or post-pandemic recovery situations, when the need of the hour for the local government is immediate employment and livelihood for low-skill-based marginal workers, facilitating indigenous owners is more preferred.

6. Kar, B., & Das, P. P. (2022). Impact of Sector and Region on Survival and Closure. Indian Journal of Finance, 16(2), 8-23.


The objective of the study was to explore the mortality of companies across sectors and regions in India. Using a public dataset available from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of India, we explored the survival and closure age distribution of Indian companies, specifically the variation of closure across different sectors and regions. First, the study found that the age distribution of companies’ surviving and closed had no significant difference. Secondly, the closure age distributions of different sectors and regions had significant differences. The number of companies and the span of ages is sufficiently large to claim the generalizability of the findings for India. The article contributes to the literature by extending the industry life cycle theory.

7. Rout, K., Sahoo, P. R., Bhuyan, A., Tripathy, A., & Smrutirekha. (2022). Online grocery shopping behavior during COVID-19 pandemic: An interdisciplinary explanation. Cogent Business and Management, 9(1).


The second wave of COVID-19 forced many countries to impose a strict lockdown to check the escalated infection rate. The imposed lockdown and social distancing made people involuntary home arrested, and people shifted back to virtual space by adopting, starting from work from home to online shopping. The essentials such as food and grocery shopping moved from brick-and-mortar stores to online stores. Consumers immensely adopted online grocery shopping to cope with the severity of the second wave of COVID-19. This study predicts consumers’ online food and grocery buying behaviour during a pandemic by considering the health threat-related and perceptual factors that got neglected in the extant literature. The current study adopted Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical lens to explain the online grocery buying intention of Indian consumers in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario. Data was gathered from 133 online grocery consumers and were analyzed using Smart-PLS 3 to examine the proposed model. The study revealed that factors, namely self-isolation intention, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and customer perceived value, have positively and significantly predicted the online grocery shopping intention. Further, the perceived usefulness and self-isolation intention positively and greatly influence the customer perceived value. A small sample is noted as the prime limitation of the study. Managerial and theoretical implications are suggested in this study.

8. Kar, B., & Ahmed, Y. A. (2022). Exploring kin and family support to young firms in Ethiopia. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies.


Purpose: This study aims to compare the outcome of support extended by the family and kin for new firms. The authors specially consider business performance, challenges, demography and personality traits of entrepreneurs. Design/methodology/approach: A structured questionnaire was used to collect responses on the socio-demography aspects of the entrepreneur, family, kin, business performance, personality traits and perceived challenges were collected from 350 young entrepreneurs of South Wollo province of Ethiopia. The ANOVA test for continuous variables and the Krukal–Walis test for nominal variables were conducted to find differences across eight groups with family and kin, their occupation (business/non-business) and extended support (yes/no). Findings: Only 40% of entrepreneurs reported support, non-business families support entrepreneurial effort more compared to business families. Support is associated with perceived business performance and sociocultural challenges, but not with revenue. Entrepreneurs with less age, education and prior experience received more support compared to others. Entrepreneurs with higher need-for-achievement traits reported less support. Interestingly, entrepreneurs from business backgrounds are likely to perform better, with or without support. Research limitations/implications: The extension of support to entrepreneurship depends on socioeconomic, demography, or personality-related factors and their interactions. The study did not investigate support from peers, an extended network, or the nature of support. Social implications: Family and kin support influences entrepreneurial persistence, overcoming the sociocultural challenges and arresting quit intention among entrepreneurs at the initial stages of a venture. Originality/value: The influence of immediate family or a network represents extremes, overlooking the role of kin. This study fills this gap and extends understanding of the role of kin in the context of Ethiopian young entrepreneurs.

9. Singh, D. K., Mondol, S., Satpathy, I., & Chandra Mohan Patnaik, B. (2022). Self-Care Practices (SCPs) among the Type II Diabetics Affiliating to the Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in Bangladesh. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 5(6), 1075-1084.


The present paper is an initiative to assess self-care practices of the deadly disease diabetes among the members of the self-help group in the Jashore district of Bangladesh. Generally speaking, type 2 diabetes is the mother of all illnesses, and self-care practices such as blood sugar monitoring, nutrition control, physical activity, medication adherence, and foot care are the cornerstones of its treatment. However, in under-developed nations like Bangladesh, where the cases are more prevalent, a limited study is being conducted and there is a lack of understanding about self-care. The study’s aim was to investigate the self-care practices of type II diabetics among the members of self-help groups in Bangladesh, so as to assess the relationship between self-care practices and blood sugar levels among members of self-help groups in Bangladesh as well as to add to the existing knowledge. The data indicates that education, reading level, economic status, desire to control diabetes, lack of information about diabetes and its complications, and self-care habits in the research region have a direct association.

10. Padhy, L. P., Satpathy, I., & Patnaik, B. C. M. (2022). Transforming Health Care Services through Knowledge Management during COVID-19 in India. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 5(6), 900-914.


Knowledge management (KM) is considered to be an important intervention in improving health care services. KM facilitates the transfer of the existing knowledge and the development of new knowledge in the health care sector. The relevance of knowledge management in the healthcare sector cannot be ignored due to the dynamic and sensitive nature of knowledge within the healthcare sector which leads to the smooth conduct of business for the health and the other operational issues in the hospitals. As the health care sector is a knowledge-intensive industry, systematic, and appropriate dissemination of knowledge leads to a competitive advantage. Its importance was realized more during the COVID-19 due to the acute shortage of medical facilities and doctors. This inspired the authors to undertake the present study. The broad objectives of the study were to understand the role played by knowledge management in transforming health care services, to suggest measures based on the findings, and to contribute to the existing literature. The sample size is 167, which included 83 males and 84 females. The study was conducted with four parameters such as the impact of knowledge management on the performance of the health care sector, the impact of knowledge management on paramedics’ performance, the impact of knowledge management on patients care, service, and satisfaction and COVID- 19 as well as Omicron related variables. It was observed that all the attributes of knowledge management played an important role in providing health care services at the right time to the needy people for the overall interest of society, as a whole.

11. Pattnaik, T., Samanta, S. R., & Mohanty, J. (2022). Work Life Balance of Health Care Workers during COVID-19 in India. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 5(5), 722-733.


The term work-life balance is a blend of two words, work and life. In the context of the extant research, the focus is on the health care workers, who are the front-line warriors during the Covid-19 pandemic. They include amongst others doctors, nurses and health care administrators. The contributions of these front-line workers during this pandemic are invaluable. However, they have to face the brunt of the pandemic which affected work life balance enormously. In this background, the present paper is an initiative to understand the various dynamics related to the work life balance of health care workers, particularly during the pandemic, and for this purpose four leading hospitals in the study area were selected for collection of data. The entire data were analyzed under four parameters, work pressure related issues, infrastructure and family issues, organizational policy, and work related cash and non-cash benefits. Overall, twenty two hypotheses were developed and out of these seven null hypotheses and fifteen alternative hypotheses were accepted. As regards to the work pressure related issues three null and three alternative hypotheses were developed, whereas basing on infrastructure and family issues one null and three alternate hypotheses were accepted. On the basis of organization policies, seven hypotheses were developed and all of them were accepted as all alternative hypotheses and similarly, out of five hypotheses related to cash and non-cash benefits, three null and two alternative hypotheses were accepted. Concerns and difficulties in the workplace and personal problems in life affect each other. The equilibrium of work-life is conceived as a dual system that gives fair weightage to the demands of both the employees and employers. There cannot be an equal balance between work and life, rather, it is a matter of prioritizing and managing the burden of each field in order to align time, energy, and resources so that work and life are satisfied. The present paper is an endeavour to decode the various issues related to work life balance of health care workers in the new normal. The paper is hoped to be an additional contribution to the existing literature.

12. Bhuwandeep (2022). The impact of reflective practices on student learning in remote internships during COVID 19 pandemic: a qualitative study. Reflective Practice, 23(4), 509-523.


Reflective practice, in simplest form, means recalling about one’s experience to learn from it and plan future course of action. Reflective practice is quite popular in educational field to impart deeper insights to the students. However, there is a scarce understanding of how students reflect during online internships (on their own), outside the realms of traditional classroom. Hence, this paper endeavours to study how students reflect during internships and subsequent impact of reflective practices on students’ learning during internship. The study was conducted on nine voluntary students who participated in reflective practices during their eight-week internships. Their experiences, post internships, were analyzed (using thematic analysis). The analysis generated three themes for reflection among students. They are hypothesis testing during uncertainty, metacognition, and future planning based on the lessons learned. The empirical study also uncovers how reflective practice leads to self-awareness, self-regulation, and professional grooming, stress relief during internship. The managerial implication for educational institutes is to include faculty guided and group led reflective assignments in curriculums for better experiential learning. Our study contributes to growing literature of reflective practices in educational field outside the conventional classroom setting.

13. Mohanty, R., & Mohanty, B. K. (2022). A retail investor’s predicament: the JPA story. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 12(1), 1-24.


Learning outcomes: The case intends to achieve the following objectives with the audience: Apply the knowledge of fundamental analysis to select good companies for investment; analyse companies for investment through the contrarian strategy; and appreciate the need of own research before investing. Case overview/synopsis: This case study provides an insight into the general process around investment for a retail investor. The protagonist of the case, Rajdeep Sharma, is a middle-class, salaried IT consultant from India. He has taken inspiration from Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, a renowned investor in India, and started his journey on the road to generate wealth. He decides to adopt the contrarian strategy and identifies Jaiprakash Associates Limited (JPA) to invest his savings. JPA is a large conglomerate with decades of experience, which has diversified business across multiple sectors. However, JPA’s pursuit of growth and expansion has created financial issues because of a large amount of debt it has amassed over the past few years. The company has been unable to repay its interest and principal obligations to the debt holders, making it consider a restructuring plan to meet these responsibilities. Meanwhile, Rajdeep has been optimistic about his investments but must experience excessive turmoil due to the high volatility in the company’s share prices. The case highlights the value of sound analysis, along with the impact of information on retail investors’ decision-making process. It will help prospective investors appreciate the importance of economic, sectoral and financial statement analysis before making any investments. Complexity/academic level: Fundamental analysis for MBA students majoring in Finance. Supplementary materials: Teaching notes are available for educators only.

14. Pradhan, S., & Samanta, S. (2022). Global research on community-based enterprise: a bibliometric portrait. Journal of Enterprising Communities.


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of scholarly literature on community-based enterprise (CBE) through a bibliometric analysis and to comprehend the qualitative dimensions of research in this specific field. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on scholarly papers indexed in Scopus from 1990 to 2021. The bibliometric analysis focuses on journals, documents, writers, organizations and countries. VOSviewer is used for network visualization mapping of citation, co-citation, bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence of keywords. Findings: The analysis of the bibliometric aspects of CBE literature reveals an upward trend in publication of CBE documents, with a significant increase of research productivity in the past few years. This behaviour shows that CBE is becoming increasingly popular among academics and practitioners. The document “Toward a theory of community based enterprise” by Ana Maria Peredo is the most cited document. USA has so far published the maximum number of documents in this field. Practical implications: This study provides an overview of the current state of research in the subject as well as the primary themes explored in this burgeoning discipline, with the potential to help the researchers identify new topics and gaps that need to be investigated further. Originality/value: This work contributes to the literature by conducting a bibliometric analysis that has not yet been explored. It gives an overview of the field’s organization as well as specifics on the major issues explored in this discipline.

15. Bhuwandeep, Das, P. P., & Mishra, S. N. (2022). Management education in pandemic times: Insights, challenges, and opportunities for the future. Journal of Education for Business. 10.1080/08832323.2022.2045556


Due to COVID-19, there was a sudden shift from offline campus learning to emergency remote learning. Consequently, there is little understanding of students’ preferences, perceptions, and attitudes regarding online education. This research paper aims to bridge this gap through the study conducted over 3 months in three stages for business management students. Our study focuses on learning preferences, barriers, benefits, and opportunities in online learning during pandemic times. Our research has significant managerial implications. Our study concludes that making the online content more interactive, project-based, and less dependent on the live classes (by providing pre-recorded lessons and notes) with clear communication of learning outcomes will benefit the students.

16. Pattnaik, T., Samanta, S. R., & Mohanty, J. (2022). Work Life Balance of Health Care Workers in the New Normal: A Review of Literature. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 5(1), 42-54.


Life of a health care worker is very different compared with any other professional. This is distinct not from the perspective of an overwhelming level of personal and professional accomplishment, but from the huge amount of psychological stress and anxiety involved in it. Earlier studies show that health workers, particularly medical practitioners, are vulnerable to mental health developments. Furthermore, workplace stress has been related to emotional exhaustion, which can result in a lack of enthusiasm for work, feelings of powerlessness, depression, and defeat. Emotional factors inherent to the job, responsibilities related to patient needs, feeling of being overburdened, organizational responsibilities, and issues related to working relationships and career growth are commonly identified as occupational stressors among medical professionals. Emotional fatigue is commonly referred to as burnout among professionals. The present paper is an initiative to understand the various dynamics of work life balance during pandemic and to undertake the empirical study on the topic. In this regard, the authors undertook the secondary sources for preparing the paper. The present initiative will be a value addition to the existing literature.

17. Das, P., & Bhuwandeep. (2022). Leveraging level of student engagement for online class design in management education. Journal of Education for Business, 97(1), 21-28.


This paper provides a novel approach to management education (online classes) design by using a combined approach of clustering (based on student engagement level in online mode) and conjoint analysis to design relevant online classes for different segments of management students. We base our study on the responses received from 280 business management students in a University in the eastern part of India. The findings bring those attributes to the light which are most important to different segments of management students based on the level of their engagement in online classes. This will help course instructors in management education to design better online classes.

18. Kar, B., Tripathy, A., & Pathak, M. D. (2022). What Causes Product Returns in Online Purchases? A Review and Research Agenda. Prabandhan, Indian Journal of Management, 15(4), 46-62.


The growth in e-commerce is an opportunity, but the resulting product return is a challenge. The complex and multidimensional nature of product return influences the manufacturer, product, retailer, channel, return policy, logistics service provider, customers, or any combination thereof. Compared to other economies, the level of product return is high in an emerging economy like India, which prompted this structured literature review. The literature pointed to the product return as a ‘moment of truth’ involving emerging practices like buy online return in store (BORIS), wardrobing, renting, bracketing, home-try programs, subscription than buy, and sending of curated choices to customers, which drastically change purchases as well as returns. The return policy, dynamic pricing, website design and usability, product category, and inventory visibility influence product returns. Fraudulent returns are of concern compared to legitimate returns. Customer attitude, information-seeking behavior, post-purchase dissonance, individual and group decisions, and different temporal variables make customers sensitive to return. Additionally, the product utility, competitive and comparative value, perceived fairness, and customer empowerment also influence returns. Switching physical processes to online creates an additional challenge. A comprehensive understanding of product return in online purchase situations is expected to create value for customers and agents in the value chain. Effective information sharing across the value chain and within an organization can adjust the inevitable product returns to an optimal level and ensure multi-channel interoperability.

19. Pathak, M. D., Kar, B., & Panda, M. C. (2022). Chaos and complexity: entrepreneurial planning during pandemic. Journal of global entrepreneurship research.


Entrepreneurs are argued to have higher foresight, ability to handle complex situations, and superior planning. This qualitative study attempted to validate these assertions in the pandemic context of COVID19. The pandemic created a complex and chaotic business environment. The information was available to businesspersons of the region before a quarter. Did they show adequate foresight to assimilate information and respond to the crisis? How complex was the situation for planning? What entrepreneurial characteristics were demonstrated? A qualitative study design sought and analyzed business owner’s responses to these questions. Though the findings are not generalizable, it indicated inadequate but reactive response. Secondly, the challenge of reduced cash flow prompted cost cutting as an operational response. The plan of winning trust in transactions was also an operational response. A few perceived pandemic as an opportunity for product innovation. Business owners demonstrated empathy toward their employees. Interestingly, most business owners indicated fluidity and inadequate information as a barrier for planning. Information acquisition, seeking help from network, responding to imminent events, wait and watch, were predominant operational responses, whereas innovation and shifting of sectors were strategic responses considered by few entrepreneurs. The perception of superior entrepreneurial abilities in anticipating events, planning, strategizing, and handling complexity was less evidenced in this study.

Conference Papers

1. Mishra, S., Singh, S., & Singh, D. (2022). A Commercial Banking Industry Resilience in the Case of Pandemic: An Impact Analysis through ANOVA. In A. K. Das, J. Nayak, B. Naik, S. Vimal, & D. Pelusi (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (pp.292-303). Springer.


The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the nation and the concerned environment in all types of business and all sectors as well. However, the growth of the economy and the development of a country depends on the banking industry. The present study has been conducted to find out the impact of Covid-19 on the public sector and private sector banks in Bhubaneswar region. The data was collected from 289 bank employees from both the sectors through survey and analyzed to find the impact of the pandemic. It was seen that banks in both the sectors maintained social distancing, used appropriate sanitization facilities and also made the suitable use of technology as this is the need of the hour. The study also throws light on factors like attention of managers to the work, following government rules, communication of information, taking suggestions from employees as well as flexibility and extra benefits at workplace. This study contributes to the development of the human resources as they play a pivotal role in the working of the banking sector. Some suggestions have been made for implementing such practices in other industries for progress and prosperity of the economy as a whole.

2. Poongundran, M., Prasannan, D., Agnes, J. S., Das, S., Anusha, D. J., & Amandykova, D. (2022). Role of Underwater Robots in Ocean Exploration Research. Proceedings – International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing, ICAAIC 2022 (pp. 1789-1794). IEEE.


Underwater robot is pre-programmed technology that has made it possible for ocean researchers to collect a vast range of information regarding unexplored and dangerous parts of oceans. The robot-ocean network can help researchers in attaining new types of information that was impossible to be collected previously. These remotely operated vehicles go deeper into the water for gaining information using Scarlet Knight. It displays deep ocean cases to the researcher through its automated technology. In literature review chapter of this study, role played by marine-robotics, in exploration research, modelling of underwater robot, sensor and GPS systems incorporation in underwater-robot technology for conducting ocean exploration research are discussed. This section has provided conceptual frameworks and theoretical frameworks for supporting the analysis of the impact of underwater robots in ocean-exploration research. In the methodology chapter of this study, the ways data has been collected in this study have been described. Secondary data collection method is chosen for this study in order to collect vast range of existing information regarding the role of robots in underwater research. Further, in the findings and discussion chapter, different variables including exploration of deep sea for research, use of automated technologies and many others have been discussed. Based upon the findings, it has been found that there exists a positive relationship between ocean research and use of underwater robots. This study has provided recommendations for addressing different challenges associated with this technology in exploring the sea in most effective way for adding new insight into research.

3. Gill, K. S., Assvlbekova, A., Addanke, S., Jha, A., Mishra, I., & Nurkusheva, L. (2022). Multimedia Systems and its Role in Adaptive Network Management. International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems, ICSCDS 2022 – Proceedings (pp. 1547-1553). IEEE.


Multimedia systems are the systems that are capable of processing multimedia applications and data. This is characterised by processing, generation, storage, rendition and manipulation of the multimedia information. Additionally, adaptive network is the new approach, which expands upon autonomous networking concepts for transforming static networks into programmable and dynamic environments driven by intelligence and analytics. Autonomous network operates without much human intervention, and it configures, maintains and monitors itself independently. This research aimed to discuss the multimedia systems as well as its role in adaptive network management. It has provided a research rationale to discuss the issue and then use multimedia for effective adaptive network management. Moreover, this paper has provided a literature review, where it has provided the details of the multimedia system and benefits of it. In addition, it has identified some gaps from this literature so that in future other studies can mitigate these gaps by conducting better research. Moreover, the research has collected secondary data to get relevant information on the selected topic. It has been considered a secondary data collection method, because it is cost-effective and with help of it, this study could access the data of both primary and secondary research. Furthermore, the findings have suggested that multiple media systems are used for different purposes and enhance the adaptive network sector. However, the multimedia product is costly and it requires electronics that again increase the cost and that is why it is a huge advantage of multimedia systems.

4. Misra, P. K., & Mohanty, J. (2022). Supervisory Leadership in Construction—Critical Review. In B. B. Das, C. P. Gomez, & B. G. Mohapatra (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (pp. 373-382). Springer.


With leadership in the construction industry becoming more relevant, the sustainable development of organization and success of construction projects primarily depends on Effective Construction Supervisory Leadership (ECSL). ECSL ensures achievement of organizational goals along with professional achievement and promotion of individual employee in construction industry leading to the productive participation of employees. Through exhaustive literature review the theoretical leadership literature is highlighted to explore ECSL style practiced in construction projects as well as, the best ECSL and style in different construction sector was identified. In construction, different ECSL leadership styles are needed in different situations. Full Range Leadership, Contextual Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Transformational Leadership in context of Occupational Safety, Transactional Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Charismatic Leadership are the various leadership practices were found to be implemented significantly in construction projects. After all, they must be able to recognise and apply the requisite leadership styles for firms, circumstances, groups and individuals to be successful among other construction industries and project managers. In addition to that, they need mobility and flexibility, they need to respond to change and at times conflicting circumstances. Thus, ECSL impact everyone from the executive to the newest intern. Diverse styles of ECSL practiced by the leaders may affect the effectiveness or success of organisations. This study provides the ECSL of construction project leaders with a comprehensive context.

5. Mandal, N. K., & Subudhi, R. N. (2022). Emerging Role of Social Enterprises during COVID-19 Pandemic. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 217-227).


The COVID-19 pandemic has raised new threats and problems for society. According to current research, social entrepreneurs have been working to resolve business failures and show more long-term models for creating sustainable economies. Social enterprises are the inclusive sustainable organisations that aim to address societal and environmental problems using innovative products or services. However, these enterprises may face different challenges than that of commercial enterprises. This is because unlike commercial enterprises, these works on double mission, i.e., social return on investment as well as financial return on investment. There have been a number of studies on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in commercial enterprises but limited studies on social enterprises. This paper explores emerging roles of social entrepreneurs and challenges faced by the social entrepreneurs during COVID-19 outbreaks. The study involved the review of existing literatures on social enterprises during the year 2020. The findings revealed that COVID-19 has resulted increased level of activities by social entrepreneurs to fight against challenges emerged out of the global pandemic.

6. Subudhi, R. N., & Mishra, S. (2022). Reinventing the Future of Work and Business in the COVID-19 ERA: Challenges, Opportunities and the Path Ahead. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 1-8).


The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence—it is to act with yesterday’s logic. The future has arrived faster than anticipated as most companies have shifted to remote working style and most activities are being carried out on digital platforms. For the majority of business leaders and managers, COVID-19 emerged as the most disruptive world-changing event in recent history. Managers are coerced to make decisions amidst tremendous uncertainty. To cope with these unforeseen challenges, organizations move in with efforts to integrate information technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to better understand the data and make more compatible decisions in a digital economy. Taking cues from the new normal, organizations recognize that agility is the key to deal with massive disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This introductory chapter, which precedes the next 29 theme-based chapter articles by scholars and subject experts, presents an overview and a curtain-raiser, for this burning issue.

7. Kar, B., & Das, C. (2022). Cryptocurrency Response to COVID-19: A Test of Efficient Market Hypothesis. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 9-18).


Cryptocurrencies are a newer form of investment avenues without any geographical boundary. The asset gives confidence to its investors because of blockchain technology. However, a higher level of volatility is observed in such currencies. Partly because of the lack of an underlying asset base and thus, making it highly speculative. The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) indicates the value of an asset to be consistent with available information. The volatility observed raises a concern about the information efficiency of cryptocurrencies. The COVID-19 pandemic provided a context with dynamic information flows and uncertainty to test the weak form of EMH. In the weak form, past returns influence future prices. This study tested if returns from different cryptocurrencies are consistent with the weak form of EMH for the period 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 marked by the pandemic. The study finds that returns from cryptocurrencies did not consistently conform to the weak form of EMH. Thus, the market has irrationality and inefficiency related to the dynamic information flow during the pandemic. The findings are significant for policymakers, economists and investors.

8. Patnaik, P., & Patnaik, B. (2022). The Influential Role of Trust in Understanding Online Product Recommendation System. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 155-170).


Artificial intelligence-driven online product recommender (OPR) system is integrated with technology to interact and engage with actual and potential customers. So, marketers must understand how the consumer’s form their purchase intentions and their buying behaviour while they get recommendations from online product recommenders. Despite having greater access to information, customers still avoid online shopping and are reluctant to use online product recommendations due to a lack of trust. So, developing and maintaining a trust mechanism towards online product recommenders is very essential for success in digital commerce and to maintain long-lasting ties with online buyers. This study is aimed at exploring the impact of trust in online product recommender systems. In this study, survey data was analysed and a research model was proposed based on the hypothesis. The findings revealed that trust is the most significant element in online shopping, and if trust on OPR is higher, the purchase intention is also higher. The study provides guidance towards measuring the effectiveness of online product recommenders which will help marketers and researchers to understand the significant influence of trust on OPR.

9. Mahapatro, S. M., Agarwal, A., & Subudhi, R. N. (2022). An Empirical Analysis into Perception, Attitude, Sentiments and Consumer Behaviour during COVID-19 Lockdown in Odisha. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 117-129). Springer.


Consumer behaviour is the key to the success of a business. In the current economic context, it is the survival of a business. The novel coronavirus has created an incredibly difficult situation in the business climate today. Business has faced lot of new challenges like closure of import and export due to international boarder close, shutdown of brick and mortar businesses, big malls and home isolation of people. Many companies faced closures, with many employees laid off and many were given less salary. Our consumption pattern also changed on a massive scale. The availability of goods was the main concern, which led to some panic buying of essential items, in bulk. Consumers’ behaviour and perception got changed, as an impact of this unprecedented pandemic. This paper, in this context, aims to analyse the perception, attitude, sentiments and buying behaviour of consumers of Odisha during the COVID-19 lockdown period (i.e. from March to October, 2020). Further, it aims to study the change of media consumption habits of the consumers. This study tries to infer how COVID-19 lockdown changed the behaviour of consumers in Odisha over 8 months and what would be future implications.

10. Hagos, M. M., & Singh, S. (2022). Entrepreneurship Growth Studies at a Glance: A Meta-Analysis of 20 years’ Ethiopian Firm Growth Studies. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 285-295).


A firm’s growth is considered as an important indicator for a growing economy. Accordingly, researchers from different disciplines, starting from economics to finance, from management to behavioural studies have participated in the research stream of entrepreneurship growth. However, no clear consensus has been reached yet, which in turn leaves many researchers in the field to float around issues regarding which approach, the degree of measurement, and what factors should be or should not be included in the study of a firm’s growth. Hence, taking 102 entrepreneurship growth studies in Ethiopia, this systematic literature review through meta-analysis has evaluated the firm’s growth literature with respect to the major focus areas of the studies. The result from the review shows entrepreneurship growth studies in Ethiopia are increasingly emerging over the last 20 years. However, they lack comprehensiveness in terms of growth measures, firms’ size, firm’s sectors, and geographical scope. Hence, future firm growth studies in Ethiopia should have to be comprehensive including all possible factors, methods and should be inclusive of all sectors, sizes, and geographical locations of firms in the country.

11. Bhuwandeep, & Tripathy, A. (2022). A Study of Online Shopping Behaviour by Consumers during COVID-19 Pandemic. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 149-154).


The pandemic has led to an unprecedented change in the way people shop and the mode of shopping. Our paper examines how the pandemic and quarantine precipitates those changes in shopping on e-commerce platforms and use of digital solutions. The literature already talks about the perceived benefits of online shopping such as awareness of utility, awareness of easy to use, awareness of marketing policy, awareness of price and cost. Thus, we have used our research paper to study the triggers of online shopping during COVID19. We administered self-administered Google surveys and as primary and secondary data source to develop the model of perceived benefits of e-shopping during quarantine. The finding of the paper shows that consumer associates e-shopping with value for money, safety, a mode of relaxing, stress release during the quarantine period. The pandemic has changed the global business paradigm irreversibly. It has slowly transformed all business to make them customer centric and digital ready. This paper underlines the how the business can create better value for the customer by working on the perceived benefits to cater them in an effective way.

12. Mishra, D., Refaet, H., & Subudhi, R. N. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on Ecotourism in India and Egypt: A Comparative Analysis. In R. N. Subudhi, S. Mishra, A. Saleh, & D. Khezrimotlagh (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (pp. 199-209).


One of the hugely affected sectors during pandemic is tourism industry. It was all of a sudden tourists were barred to come in and go out of their country by the government. All major tourist and religious places were closed in most of the countries, for months together, even for their own nationals. Ecotourism has been one of the most important tourism patterns as it focuses on enhancing the principles of sustainable tourism by ensuring the satisfaction of the traveller’s and hosting. All the tourism destinations around the world have given too much attention to ecotourism as it is expected that ecotourism will flourish because of the major changes that has been caused by COVID-19 as it is expected that the tourism preference patterns will change to less crowded and nature-oriented ones. India and Egypt are the two countries, which have similarities in culture and are situated in Asia. They share nearly similar cultures, history and ethnicity. Both countries faced the first wave of COVID-19 at a similar time, and the havoc caused was more or less comparable. The study was conducted in both countries on the basis of the common questionnaire that was asked to the participants in written as well as in oral form who comprised of population of different profession and sphere. The main objectives of this paper are to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on ecotourism in India and Egypt. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the governmental and private tourism professionals in both countries to explore the current status of ecotourism in both India and Egypt and know their opinion about to which extent ecotourism could be used as a very effective tool to overcome the challenges that have been created by COVID-19.

13. Nayak, B., Bisoyi, B., Pattnaik, P. K., & Das, B. (2022). Gender-Based Emotion Recognition: A Machine Learning Technique. In S. C. Satapathy, P. Peer, J. Tang, V. Bhateja,  V.Bhateja, & A. Ghosh (Eds.), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (pp. 261-270). Springer. 10.1007/978-981-16-6624-7_26


Speech emotion recognition is a mechanism to perform interaction between human and machine. Speech is a most attractive and effective way for expressing emotion as well as attitude. This paper focuses on identifying impact of gender on different basic emotions during exchange of speech. To analyze above different emotional features, emotion speech Hindi database simulated by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient feature extraction method and a classification method are processed. The analysis shows the machine recognizes the female speech more efficiently than male emotion speech recognition irrespective of the method. Simulation also carried out for text independent data. The simulation is carried out by using Indian Institute of Technology Speech emotion for Hindi database. Simulation clearly shows the recognition always happens good when it is performed by female speech than male. And also it doesn’t matter, whether it is text dependent or text independent.

14. Jha, R. S., Sahoo, P. R., & Smrutirekha (2022). Relevance of Disruptive Technologies Led Knowledge Management System and Practices for MSME. In M. Tuba, S. Akashe, & A. Joshi (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (pp. 139-147).


In today’s dynamic and hyper-competitive era, knowledge is the backbone of an organization and provides unflagging support in inclusive growth including financial and non-financial terms to the organization. It is essential for organizations including MSME firms to cultivate and nurture knowledge-enriching system within organizations to extract knowledge from external stakeholders, internal stakeholders (like employees), and customers through organization learning ecosystem to understand the essence of past, administer the present, and envision the future roadmap. In recent times, knowledge management practice garners significant attention at leadership level and being considered as strategic initiative in organization which helps in achieving competitive advantage and propel inclusive growth. It also highlights on various factors which are being positively influenced by adopting knowledge management practices in day-to-day operations such as organization’s performance, innovation capability, improve products and services, and job satisfaction. Therefore, organization needs to define a standard practice to acquire, retain, and leverage the knowledge through “knowledge management” initiative constituting creation, acquisition, transfer, storage, and sharing of tacit and external knowledge to reap the benefits across business value chain. To promote the growth of knowledge management in organization’s setting, knowledge management system (KMS) and practice play paramount role with the support of disruptive technologies. Additionally, disruptive technologies arm not only simplify activities to manage knowledge but also enhance experience of the business users. Ubiquitous penetration of disruptive technologies, primarily accelerated by rapid adoption of digital channels (accelerated through COVID), advent of FinTech and InsurTech and adjacencies that many players are getting into with their scale. The small, medium, and micro-sized firms must explore digital technologies to improve customer experience, time to market and reduce costs by honing organizational knowledge. Also, they had to find additional dollars to invest in Next-Gen Technologies-led platforms including Cloud, API, Agile, DevOps, AI/ML, intelligent automation to stay relevant for their customers. Precisely in MSME context, knowledge management is one of the most important factors to secure sustainable growth, create unique offerings (products and services), accelerate business performance and attain inclusive growth.

15. Kar, B., Kar, N., & Das, C. (2022). The cognitive approach to entrepreneurship: An agenda for future research. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, 1-30.


The trait- or personality-based approach has not been able to answer some of the core questions in entrepreneurship research. The cognitive approach has gained currency over a period in an attempt to explore many key areas. As a budding research domain in the intersection of cognitive psychology and entrepreneurship, the scope and boundaries must be delineated to guide researchers in the area. Apprehensions have already surfaced about the overall direction of cognition research in entrepreneurship. This review research attempts to assess the broad direction in entrepreneurship cognition context, analyzes various themes from the published articles, and critically analyzes the course. We followed a two-staged approach for literature; the initial set of literature was searched and curated by a structured literature search, and at the second stage, additional search was conducted based on themes identified at the initial search. The review analyzed extant research according to their focus, theoretical basis, and methodologies. Cognition research related to entrepreneurship scrutinizes the individual, group, contexts, and decisions. However, delineating “entrepreneurial thinking” to be singular, identifiable, and observable requires further investigation.

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