School Of Electronics Engineering (March 2022)


Journal Papers

1. Bhowmik, W. and Srivastava S. (2022), Design of Substrate Integrated Folded Waveguide h-Plane Horn Antenna Array with Simultaneous Omnidirectional and Directional Radiation Characteristics, Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 107, pp. 141–154, DOI: 10.2528/PIERM21121302.


A compactsubstrate integrated folded waveguide (SIFW) H-plane horn antenna array with simultaneous omnidirectional and directional radiation characteristics for potential utilization to high-speed wireless communication is presented in this article. The realization of the proposed design has been accomplished by placing the apertures of nine exponentially tapered SIFW H-plane horns towards the circumference of the cylindrical substrate with an angular separation of 40o between each horn. Every horn flaring includes a column of three slots. Centre probe feed technique has been used to excite the antenna. The proposed antewnna generates an omnidirectional and a directional radiation pattern at 13.8 GHz and 18.42 GHz, with the gain of 7 dBi and 10.92 dBi. The proposed antenna has performed well and is in good agreement both in simulation and measurement.

2. Hasan N, Mishra A, Ray A K.(2022) Fuzzy Logic Based Cross-Layer Design to Improve Quality of Service in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks for Next-gen Cyber Physical System, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 35, 101099,ISSN 2215-0986, DOI: (IF. 4.36).


5G/6G standards support for infrastructure-less network MANET poses major deployment challenge in resource allocation and management to facilitate strict Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for future Internet of Things (IoT) based Next-generation Cyber Physical System(NG-CPS). It is difficult to have a deterministic model of network parameters for specificQoS requirements of IoT applications and therefore, a Fuzzy Logic system based Cross-Layer (FLS-CL) design for MANET has been used. Fuzzy Logic based parameters modeling has been carried out using MATLAB and the Network simulation study has been carried out usingQualNet®. The results are promising with average 27.64 % improvement in PDR and 76.04 % less E2E delay.

Conference Papers

1. D. Nayak, K. B. Ray and T. Kar, (2021) Performance Comparison of Different CS based Reconstruction Methods for WSN Application, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing & Communication (AESPC),AESPC-2021, 26–28 November, pp. 1–5, doi:10.1109/AESPC52704.2021.9708523.


Compression of the WSN images are always challenging, as we need to maintain the quality of the reconstructed images with restricted resources and the bandwidth of transmission is also less. To meet these diverging requirements compressive sensing is one of the best among all solutions. In this paper, we have compared the performance of two popular reconstruction methods for compressive sensing namely Orthogonal Matching Pursuits and L1-minimization found in the literature. The performances of these two methods are compared for standard data set images as well as real wildlife CCTV captured color images. Result analysis shows that OMP method has faster processing with lower stability and L1 method has slower processing with higher stability.

2. JenaI, Prasad R. and Singh U. P. (2021) Performance Analysis of Zn(O, S)/CdTeSolar Cell with Back Surface Field Contact; 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Communication (AESPC),AESPC-2021, 26–28 November, pp. 1–5, doi: 10.1109/AESPC52704.2021.9708536.


In this work, we have emphasized use of wider band gap semiconductor Zn(O, S).The band gap can be controlled depending on the precision of ratio of Sulphur and Oxygen such that we can manage the electron affinity at the Conduction Band Offset (cbo) most accurately with the affinity of CdTe. We have reported at the ratio (X = O/S) 60% maximum efficiency of 22.25% is evaluated. The buffer layer thickness and absorber layer thickness is optimized at 40 nm and 2 μm respectively. It has been observed that as the thickness of CdTe layer goes on increasing the efficiency goes on decreasing due to significant increase in series resistance. Use of ZnTe layer the back end of the device reduces the rate of recombination and improves the performance of the numerically modelled solar cell.

3. Mukherjee O, Sarkar S. S., Gorai A., and Ghatak R. (2021), Enhancement in Gain of Acompact UWB Vivaldi Antenna by Using Zero Index Metamaterial Array, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Communication (AESPC),AESPC-2021, 26–28 November,pp. 1–4, doi:.10.1109/AESPC52704.2021.9708539.


In this paper, a compact zero index metamaterial integrated vivaldi antenna having UWB characteristics is presented. The proposed antenna exhibits higher gain due to the addition of meandered shaped anisotropic zero index metamaterials (AZIM) cells. The overall size of the proposed antenna is 23×26 mm 2 (WHAT IS THE MEANING OF 2?)which is suitable for UWB applications. Moreover the antenna has a peak gain of 5.5 dBi, and the group delay profile is within 1ns and has a stable radiation characteristics.

4. Mahapatra, A., Pahadsingh, S., and Kar, T. (2021),Transfer learning based COVID-19 detection Using Radiological Images,2nd IEEE International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Communication (AESPC),AESPC-2021, 26–28 November, pp. 1–4,



In the present crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic the contagious power of virus has led to huge encounter of cases on daily basis. This stimulates the need for specialized and accurate methods to detect COVID-19 cases. The contribution of deep learning to this problem has been significant. The application of deep learning concepts has shown its immense importance and utility in medical domain for detection of COVID-19 cases using CT scan and X-Ray images of lungs. Our proposed method compares the accuracy of multiple pertained models in predicting COVID-19 infected cases for a specific dataset of radiological images using three distinct optimizers for each model. This research aims to determine which model, together with its associated optimizer, is most suitable for identifying COVID-19 infected cases.

5. Nayak, D., Ray, K. B. and Kar, T. (2021), Performance Comparison of Different CS based Reconstruction Methods for WSN Application, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Communication (AESPC),AESPC-2021, 26–28 November,pp. 1–5, doi:10.1109/AESPC52704.2021.9708523.


Compression of the WSN images are always challenging, as we need to maintain the quality of the reconstructed images with restricted resources and the bandwidth of transmission is also less. To meet these diverging requirements compressive sensing is one of the best among all solutions. In this paper, we have compared the performance of two popular reconstruction methods for compressive sensing namely Orthogonal Matching Pursuits and L1-minimization found in the literature. The performances of these two methods are compared for standard dataset images as well as real wildlife CCTV captured color images. Result analysis shows that OMP method has faster processing with lower stability and L1 method has slower processing with higher stability.

6. Das, R., Shrivastava, C.P., Kejriwal, H., Anand, A. and Pati, A.K. (2021), A Novel Energy Management Algorithm for Solar Based Electric Vehicle, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Communication (AESPC),AESPC-2021, 26–28 November, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/AESPC52704.2021.9708511.


A solar based electric vehicle requires optimal use of the vehicle roof-top space. In this paper, performance of different rated photovoltaic (PV) array with individual DC-DC converter and MPPT algorithm which are connected to the common DC bus are investigated. To optimal use of the PV power and to operate the battery in a safe region, a novel energy management algorithm is proposed.  In this algorithm, both grid to vehicle (G2V) and vehicle to grid (V2G) features are incorporated. 

7. Bakshi, A, Panigrahy,M. and Das, J. K. (2021), FPGA Based Digital Filters Design to Remove Noise from ECG Signal, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), Jaipur, India,pp. 236–239, DOI: 10.1109/iSES52644.2021.00061.


The ECG signal is a widely used method for the early detection and evaluation of cardiovascular disease. This paper is about designing an efficient ECG denoising technique using a field programmable gate array (FPGA). To denoise the ECG signal, a High Pass Filter, Moving Average Filter, and Savitzky-Golay Filter is used. The designed filters are tested on different ECG signals taken from the MIT-BIH database by mixing different types of noise and the performance is analyzed using several characteristics such as SNR, MSE, and COR of the filter output signal. The system is implemented using Verilog HDL and simulated on the Vivado simulator.

8. Mishra,A. and Ray, A. K. (2021), Energy-efficient Design of Wireless Sensor Mote Using Mobile-Edge Computing and Novel Scheduling Mechanism for Self-Sustainable Next-genCyber Physical System,Second International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE), pp. 1–8, doi:


The recent developments in the field of IoT have opened up vast prospects for design, development of Next-generation Cyber Physical System (NG-CPS). The vision is to achieve intelligent next-gen IoT-based system by harnessing all key technology enablers like modern low-power and smarter embedded system with support for 5G/6G. We have proposed an energy-efficient self-sustainable wireless sensor mote design for such envisioned NG-CPS. AStore-Process-Then-Forward (SPTF) mechanism is implemented on Edge device to reduce the wireless trans-receiver duty-cycle. Energy harvester is used for self-reliance. The proposed novel algorithm on prototype results shows 720 Joules of energy saving considering 80% power efficiency.

9. Dutta, K., Lenka, R. and Sarowar, M. S. (2021), Improvement of Denoising in Images Using Generic Image Denoising Network (GID Net), 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Communication (AESPC),AESPC-2021, 26–28 November,pp. 1–6, doi:10.1109/AESPC52704.2021.9708513.


Images are generated in various forms in different sectors. These images are difficult to handle and thus, cannot be effectively used in various fields. In this paper, two important techniques in the field of Image Reconstruction and Restoration are carried out. Image Denoising is the process in which an image is reconstructed from the noisy image. In this process, to restore the original image, the undesired noise is removed. But these methods are not so robust as to handle any type of noise signal which results in a deformed reconstructed denoised image. Therefore, in this paper, a method of image denoising using Image Reconstruction technique is proposed. For this purpose, Deep Learning techniques and architectures have been proposed in order to get the reconstructed denoised image in our paper.

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