School Of Electronics Engineering (Apr – May 2022)


Journal :

1. Rao, B. N., Mohanty, S., Sen, K., Acharya, U. R., Cheong, K. H., and Sabut, S. K. (2022),  Deep Transfer Learning for Automatic Prediction of Hemorrhagic Stroke on CT Images. Mathematical Modelling of IoT-Based Health Monitoring System, 3560507, April 2022.


Intracerebral hemorrhage is a serious medical issue that needs immediate treatment. In this study, we propose an automated transfer deep learning method that combines ResNet-50 and dense layer for accurate prediction of ICH. A total of 1164 CT brain images were collected from 62 patients with hemorrhagic stroke from Kalinga Institute of Medical Science, Bhubaneswar. The proposed model takes individual CT images as input and classifies them as hemorrhagic or normal. This deep transfer learning approach reached 99.6% accuracy, 99.7% specificity, and 99.4% sensitivity. Thus deep transfer learning has advantages for automatic diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke in clinical settings.

2. Barman, U., Goswami, U., Ghosh, S. S., and Paily, R. P. (2022), Fabrication of ZnO Nanoparticle Based FET Device for Label-Free Bacteria Detection, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 169–174, DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2021.3127349 (IF: 2.935).


This paper reports fabrication and characterization of ZnO nanoparticle based Field Effect Transistor (FET) device and its application for simple, rapid and label-free bacteria detection. 5 μm FET devices were fabricated by standard UV lithography technique on Si wafers. The fabricated devices consisted of ZnO nanoparticles as channel material. The interaction between ZnO nanoparticles and bacteria sample has been exploited in this study to utilize ZnO nanoparticle based FET device to successfully differentiate between gram positive and gram-negative bacteria. Gram negative bacteria sample resulted in higher output characteristics compared to that obtained with gram positive bacteria sample. This study reports sensitivity and Limit of Detection (LOD) of 9.48 nA/CFU/mL and 776 CFU/mL respectively for gram negative bacteria and 6.96 nA/CFU/mL and 665 CFU/mL for gram positive bacteria respectively.

3. Maity, S.K. and Pandit,.S. (2022), Device-Circuit Analysis of Ultra-Thin Body in1-xGaxAs on Insulator   MOS Transistor with Varying Indium Mole Fraction and Channel Thickness,  Engineering Research  Express, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 025024.1 025024.11,


In this paper, we explore the design space of ultrathin body In1-xGaxAs on Insulator MOS transistor. We have studied the effect of Indium content, and channel thickness on carrier mobility, different analog and RF figure of merits of UTB III–V on Insulator MOS transistor. To verify frequency response characteristics and DC transfer characteristics, the circuit implementation was performed on a cascode amplifier and differential amplifier. Our result shows that while increasing channel thickness and Indium content, the carrier transport property and hence drain current, transconductance, unity gain cut-off frequency, and maximum oscillation frequency also improve. The improvement in analog and RF figures of merit are also reflected in circuit performance.

4. Rout, S. P., Dutta, P.,  and Maity, S. K. (2022), Improvement in the Performance of {III}-V Channel-Based Ultra-Thin Junction-Less-Hybrid CMOS Circuits with Mixed Mode Analysis,  ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,  Vol. 11, No. 5, 1001,


The logic performance of a hybrid complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuit based on a novel technology known as a junction-less transistor constructed with high-K and III-V compound material Junction-Less-Double-Gate MOSFET (JL-DG-MOSFET) for ultra-low power applications is analyzed in the paper. The CMOS circuit is constructed by using a Ge-based P-MOS and GaAs-based N-MOS to analyze different performance metrics of inverter such as noise margin (NM), voltage transfer characteristics, transient response, gain, frequency response, and propagation delay using Mixed Mode Analysis. It has unity-gain bandwidth of 1100 GHz and lower propagation delay of 3.1 ps.

5. Abdulkarim, Y. I.,  Mohanty, A.,Acharya, O. P., Appasani, B., Khan, M. S., Mohapatra, S. K., Sharif, F. F. M., and Dong, J. (2022), A Review on Metamaterial Absorbers: Microwave to Optical, Frontiers in physics, Vol. 10, 893791.  DOI=10.3389/fphy.2022.893791.


Metamaterials (MM) are artificially designed materials that possess unique properties due to their geometrical design. They also display some peculiar properties, such as negative refractive index, Snell’s law reversal, Doppler effect reverse, and left-handed behaviour. MMs are used in a myriad of applications, including invisibility cloaking, perfect lensing, perfect absorption, and sensing. In this review article, the property of electromagnetic absorption by structures known as metamaterial absorbers (MMAs) is discussed. An MMA is a composite made up of many layers of metallic patterns separated by dielectric. This novel device helps in achieving near-unity absorption by various mechanisms, which are investigated in this article. The MMAs are classified based on their absorption characteristics, such as polarization tunability, broadband operation, and multiband absorption, in different frequency regimes.


1. Rout, D. K., Ranjan, P., Mukherjee, D., Kumar, S., and Das, D. (2022), Radio Propagation Modeling for Body Surface to External Communication Scenario,2022 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing(AISP), 2022, pp. 1–4, doi: 10.1109/AISP53593.2022.9760673.


Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a technology that promises to connect everything. IoT for human health monitoring is particularly of interest as it promises to revolutionize health care. And that is possible with the integration of wireless body area network (BAN) with IoT. Radio channels play an important role in designing efficient transceivers for IoT-capable BAN sensors. Recently, multiple researchers have worked on modeling the radio propagation on the human body.  In this paper, we measure the path loss in a body surface to external scenario for the 900 MHz band in indoor scenarios with the help of a simple pathloss model.

2. Mishra, A. and Ray, A. K. (2022), A Novel Layered Architecture and Modular Design Framework for Next-gen Cyber Physical System, In: 2022 International Conference on Computer Communication and informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India, pp.  1–8, 2022. DOI:


Cyber Physical System (CPS) is a complex interdisciplinary engineering system with amalgamation of physical-realm entities like machines, sensors, actuators and embedded devices with the cyber-realm system constituting of communication networks, Internet, and network-centric heterogeneous computing platforms like cloud and Fog/Edge computing. Further, with the recent advancements in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication as enabling technologies; it is possible to design large scale CPS and deployment of application-specific sensor data acquisition and control systems. This has unfolded another technological dimension of huge data-centric subsystems: Big-Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) based application specific data analytics requirement for future-ready intelligent CPS also popularly referred as Cognitive CPS (CCPS). In this paper, we have proposed a novel four-layer architecture and their design framework with the vision of Next-generation Cyber Physical System (NG-CPS). Some major design attributes of each layer have been considered to formulate eight NG-CPS design goals with a modelling approach and suggested some major design aspects including modularity, scalability.

Book Chapters

1. Mishra A., Swain A., Ray A.K., Shubair, R. M. (2022), HetNet/M2M/D2D Communication in5G Technologies In: Intelligent Data-Centric Systems, 5G IoT and Edge Computing for SmartHealthcare, Akash Kumar Bhoi, Victor Hugo Costa de Albuquerque, Samarendra Nath Sur, PaoloBarsocchi (Eds.), Elsevier, pp. 45 – 87.



In today’s era of connected intelligent systems, 5G is the key technology enabler toward achieving high-data rate/eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC for enhancing the legacy data network. 5G-enabled heterogeneous networks (HetNets) are necessary for modern-day communication for several game changing applications like IoT, D2D, and M2M. Heterogeneity has some functional advantage of modularity in 5G HetNet implementation. 5G-HetNets front haul is an agile H-CRAN using technologies like SDN, NFV, and TWDM-PON backhaul network to provide 5G HetNets as traffic aggregation is needed from large numbers of mMTC devices as per several amendments in 3GPP R-15/16 toward 5G support for M2M and HetNets.

2. Mishra A., Swain A., Ray A.K., Shubair, R. M. (2022), Convergent Network Architecture of 5Gand MEC, In: Intelligent Data-Centric Systems, 5G IoT and Edge Computing for Smart Healthcare, Akash Kumar Bhoi, Victor Hugo Costa de Albuquerque, Samarendra Nath Sur, Paolo Barsocchi (Eds.), Elsevier, pp. 111–138. DOI:


Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is creating a technology impact in distributing the computation to the edge of the radio access network (RAN). The MEC offers large bandwidth, low latency, highly efficient network operation. MEC is going to benefit in handling the computation using off-loading of voluminous data traffic by satisfying the requirements of 5G such as throughput, scalability, latency and automation. This chapter deals with an overview of the convergence of 5G with MEC technology, which are crucial for any IoT-based smart healthcare system with a special focus on Convergence between 5G and MEC in the purview of IoT applications.

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