School of Applied Sciences (February 2022)
Ph D Awarded (in Physics)

Dr. Sakti Prasan Mohanty
Dr. Sushant Kumar Sahoo, School of Applied Sciences (Physics)
Thesis Title:
Manipulating Light with Photonic Structures for the Realisation of Communication and Sensing
Abstract of the Thesis:
Modulated with periodic structures with changing refractive indices vis-a-vis dielectric constant, photonic crystal structures (PCS) are exotic designs exhibiting immense grip on controlling and manipulating the light flow. The beauty of such crystals lies in permitting and forbidding the electromagnetic waves pertaining to certain incident frequencies. The Physics of photonics ensembles the behaviour of light and light-matter interaction by analyzing the photonic bandgap mostly through the relationship between “ω” and “k” (where “ω” is the normalize frequency and “k” is the propagation vector). Should k be made bold because it is a vector?
As far as optical communication is concerned, this research investigates DEMUX action of 1-D Si-Air-Si grating structures at three optical communication windows 850 nm, 1310 nm and 1550 nm. It filters out the desired wavelengths depending on the structure parameters. A biomedical sensing with plasmonic based 3-D PCS was proposed for rapid detection of malignant or cancerous cells in the breast tumour. The light signals 0.5 THz, 1.0 THz, 1.5 THz irradiate the 3-D plasmonic structure with breast tumour cells infiltrated in the air holes.
Journal Publications
1. Sahoo, S.K., Pal, B., Mishra, K.C. and Mukharjee, R.N. (2021), DosimetricStability Performance of Halcyon Compact Linear Accelerator Installed First Time in Eastern India, European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, Vol. 8, No 10, pp. 428–430(IF: 6.222)
Halcyon has an enclosed, ring-mounted gantry and a 6 MV flattening filter free beam, for both treatment and imaging for Halcyon version B. The dosimetric stability performance of Varian HALCYON has been studied 6 times in one year since its installation. The average value of all six sets of dosimetric data obtained by own Halcyon software by Machine performance check method, shows good agreement within manufacture’s thresholds, implying Halcyon can deliver accurate and precise radiation to particular target area as per requirement. As a good compact linear accelerator, Halcyon can be easily used for modern radiotherapy treatment and patient imaging purposes.
2. Sahoo, S.K., Mishra, K.C. and Mukharjee, R.N. (2021), Study of Dosimetric Indices for Rapid-Arc Radiotherapy Plans for Intracranial Tumor Sites, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.11, No. 8, pp. 1–3,DOI: 10.36106/ijar, (IF: 6.03)
Ten different diagnosing intracranial cancer patients treated with Rapid- Arc were selected, plans were generated and inverse planning was done by Eclipse 15.6 treatment planning system with 06 MV photon beams of true beam linear accelerator from computed tomographic data. Double arcs (179o–181oand181o-179o) were used for Rapid-Arc plans. Quality of Rapid Arc treatment plans was evaluated by calculating conformity index (CI), homogeneity index (HI), gradient index (GI), coverage, and unified dosimetry index (UDI) for each plan. This study clearly demonstrated that favorable dose distribution in PTV and OARs was achieved using Rapid Arc technique, and hence, the risk of damage to normal tissues is reduced.
3. Misra, S.K., Swain, P., and Bhattacharjee, S. (2021) A Case Study to Analyze Ageing Phenomenon, Reliability:Theoryand Applications,Vol.16 , No. 4, pp. 275–285, ISSN: 1932-2321 (online).
Hazard rate, and ageing intensity (AI) are measures or functions required for qualitative and quantitative analysis of ageing phenomena of a system with a well-defined statistical distribution respectively. In this paper, we reiterate upon the fact that in a few cases hazard rate and ageing intensity do not depict the same pattern as far as monotonicity is concerned. So, a question naturally arises which among hazard rate and ageing intensity is a preferable measure for characterizing ageing phenomena of a system. As a consequence, an example involving two design systems are analyzed and is illustrated to answer theaforementioned question.
4. Maity, J.P., Chen, C.Y., Bhattacharya, P., Sharma, R.K., Ahmad A., Patnaik, S. and Bundschuh,J. (2021) Advanced Application of Nano-Technological and Biological Processes as well as Mitigation Options for Arsenic Removal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 405, No. 2021:123885, pp. 1–26, DOI: (IF: 10.588).
Arsenic removal is a huge challenge, since several million people are potentially exposed (>10 μg/L WHO limit) through arsenic contaminated drinking water worldwide. Study reflects that the arsenic can be removed by precipitation, adsorption, oxidation, ion-exchange, bio-adsorption process. Arsenic oxidation (vital step in removal) is achieved by O2/O3/HClO/KMnO4/H2O2/microbe. Effective absorbents are observed as Fe-based nano/composite, Al2O3, Fe-Al2O3, Fe-TiO2, CeTiO2, etc. The eco-friendly arsenic removal (water and soil) was noticed as Phytoremediation/microbe, Seed priming, Hybrid and BAT technology. The arsenic mitigation can be done by the selection of proper adsorbent, arsenic safe aquifer, rainwater harvesting, etc.
5. Sharma, R.cK., Wang, S.cC., Maity, J.cP., Banerjee, P., Dey, G., Huang, Y.H., Bundschuh, J., Hsiao, P.G., Chen, T.H. and Chen, C.Y., (2021) A Novel BMSN (Biologically Synthesized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles) Material: Synthesis Using a Bacteria-Mediated Biosurfactant and Characterization,RSC Advances, Vol. 11, No. 52, pp.32906–32916, DOI:, (IF: 3.361).
Synthesis of mesoporous material (use in separation/catalysis/adsorption) by chemical surfactants is not ecofriendly. Biologically synthesized mesoporous silica nanoparticles (BMSN) [sol–gel method, using Bacillus subtilis BBK006-mediated surfactant (template) and precursor] were formed at 450–600 °C. The BMSN comprise Si and O elements with specific weights of 56.09% and 42.13% respectively, where the atomic percentage was detected to be 41.79% and 55.10%, respectively (Particles: 61–300 nm; spherical shape; surface area: 8.2616 m2 g−1; pore diameter at 550 °C: 14.8516 nm). A typical type IV isotherm was exhibited, following IUPAC nomenclature and confirmed the mesoporous nature.
6. Banerjee, P., Dey, G., Antognazza, C.M., Sharma, R.K., Maity, J.P., Chan, M.W., Huang, Y.H., Lin, P.Y., Chao, H.C., Lu, C.M. and Chen, C.Y., (2021), Reinforcement of Environmental DNA Based Methods (SensuStricto) in Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation: A Review,Biology, Vol. 10, No. 12:1223, pp. 1–17, DOI: (IF: 5.079)
Environmental DNA(eDNA) technique is successfully relevantin several areas of conservation research (invasive/conserve species detection) with a high accuracy and authentication, which are gradually upgrading modern conservation approaches. The eDNA technique-related bioinformatics (e.g., taxon-specific-primers MiFish, MiBird, etc.), sample-dependent-methodology, and advancement of sequencing-technology (e.g., oxford-nanopore-sequencing) are helping in research progress. The eDNA technique is applicable largely in (i) early detection of invasive species, (ii) species detection for conservation, (iii) community level biodiversity monitoring, (iv) ecosystem health monitoring, (v) study on trophic interactions, etc. A comprehensive eDNA-based monitoring program (ecosystem modeling/function) is essential on global scale for future management.
7. Dey, G., Banerjee, P., Sharma, R.K., Maity, J.P., Etesami, H., Shaw, A.K., Huang, Y.H., Huang, H.B. and Chen, C.Y. (2021), Management of Phosphorus in Salinity-Stressed Agriculture for Sustainable Crop Production by Salt-Tolerant Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria—A Review,Agronomy, Vol. 11, No 8:1552, pp. 1–27, DOI: (IF: 3.417)..
Phosphorus (P) (essential for plant growth/productivity) uptake, transport, and distribution in plant is adversely affected by salinity-stress. Application of salinity-tolerant phosphate–solubilizing-bacteria (ST-PSB) can be an effective and economical way to improve the P-availability and recover the P-deficit in saline-land. The present study focuses on soil salinization and its effect on P-availability, the mechanisms of P-solubilization by ST-PSB, ST-PSB diversity, their role in alleviating salinity stress in plants, and the potential application on sustainable environmental system. Investigation shows thatthe addition of ST-PSB to saline soils could be an alternative for alleviating the negative effects of salinity on plants and may ameliorate salinity tolerance.
8. Ijumulana, J., Ligate, F., Irunde, R., Bhattacharya, P., Maity, J.P., Ahmad, A. and Mtalo, F. (2021), Spatial Uncertainties in Fluoride Levels and Health Risks in Endemic Fluorotic Regions of Northern Tanzania,Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Vol. 14, No. 2021:100618, pp. 1–14, DOI: (Scopus IF: Cite Score 5.2, SJR: 1.011 and SNIP: 1.723 in 2020).
An estimated 80 million people in East African Rift Valley (EARV) and volcanic regions exhibit fluorosis due to excessfluoride (F‾)(1.5 mg/L WHO limit) in drinking water. Results show that the fluoride occurrence in EARV is due to stochastic processes.Integrated geospatial methods were used to map significant fluoride risk zones.High dental caries risk zones were delineated around Mt. Kilimanjaro.Population within EARV graben is at high fluorosis risk level.Mild-to-severe dental and crippling fluorosis increases in northern Tanzania. Major findings are very crucial for authority to minimize the uncertainty caused by high spatial variability in geogenic F− occurrence.
9. Maity, J.P., Vithanage, M., Kumar, M., Ghosh, A., Mohan, D., Ahmad, A. and Bhattacharya, P. (2021), Seven 21st Century Challenges of Arsenic-Fluoride Contamination and Remediation,Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Vol. 12, No. 2021:100538, pp. 1–6, DOI:
Arsenic (As) and fluoride (F) contamination of water is a huge problem on global scale. The current study addresses the As- and F-contamination, health-risk, and mitigation. Arsenic and F-poisoning represent a serious and widespread health problem, particularly in rural communities, which depend on untreated As- and F-rich water. The co-occurrence of As and F in groundwater and associated health-risk was observed in Dharmanagar region, North Tripura (India). Arsenic and F removal comprises assessing natural remediation potential (phytoremediation) including different advanced absorbents. New findings bring together a wide range of new insights on As and F behavior in groundwater environment.
10. Sen, S. S. S., Das, M., Mahato, R. and Shaw, S. (2021), Entropy Analysis on Nonlinear Radiative MHD Flow of Diamond-Co3O4/Ethylene Glycol Hybrid Nanofluid with Catalytic Effects,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, DOI: 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2021.105704 (IF: 5.693).
In the present study, flow of Diamond-Co3O4/ethylene glycol hybrid nanofluid towards a stretching sheet with stagnation point has been analysed under the influence of magnetic field and nonlinear thermal radiation. The catalytic property of homogeneous–heterogeneous reactions has also been included in the system. Additionally, the entropy generated in the system due to irreversible processes has been analysed here. The governing equations of the flow are obtained according to the given system and are converted into non-dimensional forms by using their appropriate similarity transformations. BVP4C tool of matlab has been utilised to solve these equations.
11. Mahanta, G., Das, M., Nayak, M. K., and Shaw, S.(2021), Irreversibility Analysis of 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Casson Nanofluid Flow Past through Two Bi-Directional Stretching Surfaces with Nonlinear Radiation,Journal of Nanofluids, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 316–326. DOI: 10.1166/jon.2021.1793.
Application of the nanoparticles with different non-Newtonian base fluid has huge application in the industries where the heat generation or energy transform takes place and many such applications are designing the advanced energy system at high temperature, aerodynamics, energy extraction, etc. In the present study, we have analyzed irreversibility for a 3-dimensional MHD, incompressible, electrically conducting Casson nanofluid flow through the two horizontal stretching surfaces. To make it more practical and broad, the flow field has been incorporated with porosity, suction/injection, non-linear thermal radiation with fall velocity with convective heating conditions at the boundaries.