Awards and Distinctions (Jan – April 2021)


KIIT School of Biotechnology

National/International award received by the faculty member

Dr. Ritesh Pattnaik

Dr. Ritesh Pattnaik
Dr. Ritesh Pattnaik

Title of Award – Research Excellence Award 2021

Award Received – March 2021, Award from Institute of Scholars, unit of SDPL: An ISO 9001:2015 by International Accurate Certification, Accredited by UASL

Abstract: Dr. Ritesh Pattnaik, Assistant Professor at KIIT School of Biotechnology, KIIT Deemed to be University has been conferred with the “Research Excellence award 2021” for his significant contribution and accomplishment in innovative research. He received the award from Institute of Scholars, unit of SDPL: An ISO 9001:2015 by International Accurate Certification, Accredited by UASL) for his research expertise on Waste valorisation and effective management. He published the scientific research paper titled “Microbial pre treatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biomethanation and waste management” in a prestigious International Journal -3Biotech (Elsevier)

National/international award or publication (R&D related) received by students

Dr. Bijayananda Panigrahi

Dr. Bijayananda Panigrahi
Dr. Bijayananda Panigrahi

Name of the award: DBT (BIRAC-BIG) grant of Amount: Rs.49,93,000

Title of Project: A Novel, Cost-Effective Material with Enhanced Activity and Thermostability: a New Generation Protease Inhibitor for Biotech Industry.

Follow-on grant for product development has been received by Startup Odisha of amount Rs. 15,00,000.  

Gourabmani Swalsingh

Gourabmani Swalsingh
Gourabmani Swalsingh

Name of the award: senior research fellowship from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Title of the project: To Evaluate the Involvement of a Recently Identified Myokine, Fractalkine, in Sedentary Lifestyle and Type 2 Diabetes.

The idea originates from the findings made by our group during our studies under a SERB funded project that upon forced sedentary lifestyle serum fractalkine level is elevated in mice model. The studies proposed in the grant will form the foundation towards characterizing a biomarker of sedentary lifestyle that may not respond to active lifestyle mediated reversal of metabolic disorder. This prognostic marker can be used towards personalization of treatment for type 2 diabetic patients.

KIIT School of Civil Engineering

R&D Student Achievements

Name: Miss NaushinYashmin

(3rd Year, School of Civil Engineering)

Achievement: Selected for multiple international internship award as follows.

  1. MITACS Globalink Research Internship Award, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
  2. NTU-India Connect Research Internship Programme, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  3. DAAD WISE Internship Programme, Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany

The student has been working in various research projects from her second year under the supervision of Dr. Kundan Samal and has also published an article inJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Elsevier, IF: 4.3) titled “Challenges in the Implementation of Phyto Fuel System (PFS) for Wastewater Treatment and Harnessing Bio-Energy” (Vol. 8, No. 5, doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2020.104388).

School Level R&D Achievements

  1. KIIT DU in association with EY LLP is providingTechnical Assistance to Housing and Urban Development, Government of Odisha to implement the state urban sanitation strategy (Sub-Contract agreement between KIIT DU & EY LLP).Under this project KIIT DUhas employed Urban FSSM Fellows as District coordinators for supervision of construction of Fecal Sludge Treatment Plants (FSTP) in eight different districts of Odisha. Apart from this KIIT DU is also monitoring the performance of existing FSTP at Basuaghai, Bhubaneswar and will suggest improvement strategies for the same.
  2. KIIT DU signed an MoU with NHAI on 18th August, 2020, in order to utilize the prudence of students and faculty members towards improvement of road infrastructure of our country under the umbrella of ‘Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR)’. Under this initiative, KIIT DU has adopted 2 stretches of National Highway, namely(1) [NH-5 (New NH-16) Chandikhole to Bhadrak Section (74.5 km)] and (2) [NH-215 (New NH-20) Panikoili to Rimuli Section (166 km)].After an initial visit on 03.10.2020 and 10.10.2020 to both road stretches, Prof. B. G. Mohapatra, Prof. D.R. Biswal, Prof. Malaya Mohanty, & Prof. BrundabanBeriha visited Chandikhole-Bhadrakroad section for a deeper investigation on 7th and 20th February 2021.

KIIT School of Electrical Engineering

KIIT School of Electrical Engineering Student Team Bags the First Prize in the Event Technodium2021,


Title of the project:  New Face of E-cycle

Name of the Students: Rohit Mohanty, Rahul Krishna Patel, Soubhagyakar,Purussotam Mohanty and Soumya Ranjan Sahoo

Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Soubhagya Ranjan Prusty, Prof. Subrat Behera, Prof. Tanmoy Roy Choudhury, and Mr. Nabakshore Das


An advanced E-cycle with improved scopes was developed, which will be beneficial at this crunch time of fuel hike. A futuristic E-cycle was demonstrated in the poster presentation with one E-cycle already developed in the Electric Drives lab of the School of Electrical Sciences. The concept of a new and improved E-cycle impressed the judges and bagged the First prize worth Rs. 12,000. This event has boosted the confidence of the students and the supervisors, who hope to come out with an advanced E-cycle in the coming days.

Link for video demonstration:

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