KIIT Review November 2022

KIIT Review November 2022 Contents 18th Annual Convocation of KIIT KIIT's Engineering Programs Get ABET (US) Accreditation Times World University Rankings 2023: KIIT Makes Significant Jump, Ranked in 601-800 Cohort

KINS Organizes School Health Programme

The B.Sc. 4th year nursing students of Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences organized School Health Service on 15th Dec, 2022. The program was conducted under the mentorship and guidance of Mrs. Soumya Sonalika, Asst. Prof

KIMS hosts 14th IRACON-2022 of Odisha chapter

The 14th Annual conference of the Odisha chapter of Indian Rheumatology Association (IRA) was hosted by the Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), on December 10 and 11. This