KIIT Review September 2023

19th Annual Convocation of KIIT World Anthropology Congress (WAC) Her Excellency Mama Rachel Ruto E.G.H., First Lady of the Republic of Kenya, Receives Prestigious KISS Humanitarian Award 2022 53rd Honorary Doctorate for KIIT

KSPH Organizes Freshers’ Day ‘KHWAHISH’

The KIIT School of Public Health (KSPH) organized ‘Khwahish’, the Freshers' Day event, on 5th October 2023. The day was filled with celebration, excitement, and a warm welcome for the 2023-25 batch of students into the KSPH, KIIT family.

KIIT International MUN Concludes

The 11th Edition of KIIT International Model United Nations (MUN) concluded today at KIIT University with more than 1,300 delegates from across India and abroad. This is the biggest MUN in Asia. The theme for this 11th Edition of KIIT-MUN

KSFH Organizes the Freshers’ Day ‘KASTURI’

The School of Social, Financial and Human Sciences (KSFH) at KIIT-DU successfully organized ‘KASTURI’, the Freshers' Day, with pomp and fervor. It saw enthusiastic participation from students and faculty members as they welcomed the newly