Solar Lamps Distributed among KISS Students

Solar lamps were distributed among 25,000 students of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) by Dr. P. V. Ramesh, CMD, Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. at a programme here on April 20, 2017. The solar lamps were given away by…


KIIT Technology Business Incubator (KIIT-TBI), under KIIT University, organized a B-Plan Competition under the aegis of their Social Incubation Program – INVENT, a joint initiative of DFID - UK & TDB – DST, supported by Villgro. The…

KIIT Review March 2017

View/Download Contents American actor-activist Ms. Ashley Judd gets KISS Humanitarian Award KISS Hailed as Social Innovation for Societal Change Russian Varsity Honours Prof. Achyuta Samanta KIIT, KISS Expand Footprint in…

USIEF Delegates Visit KISS & KIIT

A delegation of United States India Education Foundation visited KIIT & KISS on Wednesday. Representatives from 21 Universities of United States visited various departments of KISS and campuses of KIIT. They interacted with students of…

KIIT Inks MoU with Affine Analytics

KIIT University has signed a memorandum of understanding with Affine Analytics recently. The objective of MOU is to establish a long-term mutually beneficial association for academic and research based interactions leading to promotions and…