KSAC Organizes 3rd Episode of “Koffee with Kalliope” Season-2


The third episode of the second season of “Koffee with Kalliope” was hosted by Shuvranshu Kar and Sharoni Bose and it featured Ms.  Sujata Biswas and Ms. Taniya Biswas, Co-founders of the Fashion Brand, Suta. Suta is a Mumbai-based fashion brand which works with weavers from all over India to create hand woven and handcrafted products. The women behind this brand, Ms. Sujata Biswas and Ms. Taniya Biswas have deep roots in Bhubaneswar. Both have done their undergrad from Odisha and then worked at separate places before collaborating on Suta. The show focused on their childhood, their bond as sisters and business partners, how Suta came into being, the challenges faced early on and how different factors influenced their journey. It also included a fun segment before ending with some tips and advice to young and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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