Symposium on Lower Limb Trauma at KIMS


Trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the present society. It is very important to give optimum care to the trauma affected patients. Orthopaedics surgeons need to remain updated to the current practice.

A Symposium on lower limb trauma was organized recently at Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIIT) under the aegis of Odisha Orthopaedic Association and Indian Orthopaedic Association. Many reputed faculties across India joined in this programme and shared their thoughts and experience in managing various types of orthopaedics trauma. Dr. Saurav Nrayan Nanda, Assistant Professor, was the organizing secretary for the programme. Dr. Debashish Misha, Associate Professor; and Dr. Saurav N Nanda were invited as faculties. They shared their experience in the KIMS Trauma Centre and also taught the young orthopaedics surgeons in saw bone workshops. Their talks were highly appreciated at national level. It was a successful CME and around 130 delegates joined the programme.

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