NTEP Training Programme Held at KIMS


The Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences organized the Training Programme on National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) recently. With TB elimination intended by 2025, the meeting intended to sensitize and train doctors about the programme and its recent guidelines.

The meeting commenced with a welcome address by Prof. Amrut Kumar Mohapatra, HOD, Dept. of Respiratory Medicine. He spoke on the diagnosis and treatment protocols of pulmonary TB. Dr. Saswat Subhankar, Associate Professor and Dr. Suman Kumar Jagaty, Asst Professor, Dept. of Respiratory Medicine, KIMS shed light on the diagnosis and treatment of extra pulmonary TB and the current concept of TB Prophylaxis (TPT).

The meeting was attended by nearly 130 faculties and residents from various departments. It concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Sabitarani Pramanik, MO, NTEP.

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