NTEP Sensitization Programme for KIMS Doctors


India has the highest burden of TB infection globally. About 5-10% of those infected will develop active TB over the course of their lives. Prevention of TB is a critical component of the national strategic plan for ending TB.  NTEP (National TB Elimination Programme) is the ambitious programme by Govt. of India to eliminate TB by 2025 by achieving 90% reduction in TB mortality and 80% reduction of incidence of TB to <20/lakh population as against 193/lakh population.

To achieve the target of covering 35-40 crore people in India having TB infection, the Govt. of India has started ambitious programme of Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT) by administering INH 5mg/kg daily for 6 months to target population consisting of household contacts below 5 years PTB patients, People living with HIV, patients on immunosuppressive therapy, silicosis, dialysis patients, patients preparing for organ or hematological transplants. 

Under guidance of District TB Center, Bhubaneswar, training on ‘programmatic management of tuberculosis preventive therapy (PMTPT)’ under NTEP was imparted to 60 Doctors of Surgery, Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, ENT, Nephrology on September 1 and September 8, 2021 respectively.

Dr. C. Mohan Rao, HoD Pulmonary Medicine and  Dr. Paresh Mohanty, Sr. Consultant Microbiology, Anti TB Demonstration and Training Centre, Cuttack were the resource persons at the programme. The training programme enhanced the knowledge of the participants on Tuberculosis preventive therapy.

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