Youth Red Cross (YRC) Volunteers organized clothes distribution camp


Volunteers  of Youth Red Cross, KIIT Unit distributed old clothes to the needy people as part of their social responsibility. Around 30 students visited a nearby slum area namely Jalimunda Sahi on 22nd September, 2019. They received rousing response for their philanthropic gesture from the local residents.

Nearly 150 units of clothes were distributed among the people. This has been taken up by the volunteers to fetch smile on the faces of the people prior to the festive season. Further, the residents and the local club functionaries requested the volunteers to conduct classes for the drop out students in their locality.

All the volunteers expressed their thankfulness to the local residents and the club functionaries for their earnest cooperation. The volunteers were accompanied by Dr. Tanmoy Roy Choudhury, Assistant Professor, KIIT School of Electrical Engineering & Counsellor, Youth Red Cross, KIIT Unit.

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