World Kidney Day Observed at KIIT & KISS


World Kidney Day is being observed at KIIT Deemed to be University under the banner of Indian Academy of Nephrology, Dialysis & Kidney Transplantation. Besides a National Seminar will be held at KIMS Auditorium on 16th  March, 2019

A galaxy of experts in Kidney diseases, Dialysis & Kidney Transplantation will participate in the Seminar as informed by Dr. S. C. Dash, Professor of Nephrology, KIMS; Professor Emeritus, KIIT DU as well as Chairman of  The Organizing Committee.

Luminaries in the field will gather to discuss common Kidney ailments to the latest trends in Dialysis & Transplantation.

To name a few, Prof. S. K. Agarwal (HOD), Prof. Dipankar Bhowmik, from AIIMS(New Delhi); Dr. S. Saharia from Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, a senior most Kidney Transplant Surgeon in India who has maximum expertise in the field of deceased donor transplantation; Prof. Sreebhusan Raju, HOD-Nephrology, Nizam Institute of Medical Science – Hyderabad and Prof. R. K. Sharma, Director Nephrology & Kidney Transplantation, Awadh Medanta Medical Hospital, Lucknow.

Besides, Prof. Amit Gupta, HOD, SGPGI, Lucknow, who is an expert in Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis; Dr. D. S. Rana, Chairman, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi; Dr. D. S. Ray, Director of Nephrology & Transplantation, R. N. Tagore Cardiac Research Institute, Kolkata who is a top Consultant in Eastern India in paired donor transplant; Prof. Dilip Pahari, Director of Medica Specialty Hospital, Kolkata, who earlier was Professor & HOD of SSKM and is currently doing the best form of Dialysis and Dr. Saubhik Sural, Chief of Nephrology & Transplantation at Peerless Hospital – Kolkata.

Similarly Dr. Arghya Majumdar, Director of Nephrology of AMRI Hospital, will speak on TMA and Prof. Chittaranjan Kar, In-Charge of Kidney Transplant of SCB Medical College, Cuttack  will elaborate on the complex problem of family counseling before identifying the donor who will be legally & medically fit to donate Kidney.

Kidneys are a pair of most amazing organ of the body. It plays a key role in

  1. Filter and clean 200 liters of blood every day.
  2. Remove toxic substances arising out of   metabolism.
  3. Regulate body water, electrolytes & acid base balance.
  4. Maintains Hemoglobin by secreting Erythropoietin.
  5. Helps maintaining normal blood pressure.
  6. Maintains bone strength by proper mineralization

Kidney disease & Kidney failure is a huge Public Health problem now in India. Common causes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) are:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Hypertension
  3. Diabetes + Hypertension this combination hastens the Kidney damage.
  4. Obstruction of Urinary Tract like stone disease, Chronic Tubulo Interstitial disease due to infections, heavy metal & toxin exposure
  5. Prostate enlargement, Bladder neck obstruction, Vesico Uretric Reflux
  6. Heredo-familial disease like Polycystic Kidneys
  7. Genetic disease like Fabry’s disease, Primary Alports Syndrome Oxalosis.

Those are well known causes ofCKD, however there is a new emerging danger like Chronic Kidney Disease due to unknown cause (CKDU) seen in Narsinghpur, Badamba, Jajpur, Athagarh and Angul areas and many other areas of Odisha. The writer had surveyed Narsinghpur and Badamba areas, where heavy metal like Cadmium was found in the drinking water. CKDU has been reported from other Countries like, Srilanka, Latin America & African Countries.

Treatment is largely preventive in early stage, later on dialysis & transplantation are the best way to survive. However every patient of CKD may not be suitable for transplant due to age & co-existing incurable systemic disease like Heart, Brain & Lung diseases.

This year’s theme is “Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere”

Incidence of chronic Kidney disease is estimated to be 13.1% of Indian population. Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is common in India. It affects 13 million people Worldwide and 85% of these are found in lower & middle income group of Countries. About 1.7 million are estimated to die annually due to AKI. It is to be remembered that some of the worst form of AKI are seen in India. The patients reach Hospital in almost dying condition due to socio-economic & prevailing poor condition and transport conditions.

Some of the serious diseases causing Acute Kidney Failure are as follows:- Falciparum Malaria (particularly in Odisha), Gastrointestinal disorders causing severe diarrhea, Sepsis, Pregnancy related problems like Septic Abortion, death of Fetus while in the Womb, Gallbladder infection empyema, Hepatitis, Jaundice, Road traffic accidents, Kidney toxic drugs. Nearly fifty percent of AKI progresses to CKD. More Governmental initiative is needed in population screening & preventive measures to save life of these serious patients.

In this context, The Organizing Committee welcomes Physicians, General Practitioners, Medical Faculties and  Nephrologists to attend this Seminar which starts at 08:30 AM on 16th March, 2019. It is also open to the people to attend meeting & utilize the opportunity to interact with top doctors. Registration fees has been kept a nominal Rs. 100/-. 

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