Talk on “Collaborative Research: Medicine, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering & Electronics Engineering:- Scope and Feasibility” held at KIMS


A talk on “Collaborative Research: Medicine, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering  & Electronics Engineering :- Scope and Feasibility” by a Group of Experts from KIIT Deemed to be University was organized  at KIMS on 5th November, 2019.

At the outset, Prof. Samaresh Mishra, Director, KIIT School of Computer Engineering placed a brief introduction on his School.

Dr. Suresh Chandra Satpathy, Professor, School of Computer Engineering and Dean, Research spoke about artificial intelligence and it’s utilities in medical field. He briefed about his new algorithm systems by which malaria detection becomes faster. He also spoke about the various possible collaborations which can be done with School of Computer Science.

Dr. U. P. Singh, Dean, KIIT School of Electronics  and his team spoke on non invasive diagnostic procedures and Medical Imaging techniques using Electronics and collaborative research with Radiology, Cardiology and other medical specialties.

Finally, Dr. P. C. Mishra, Dean, School  of Mechanical Engineering and his team briefed about Bioinstrumentation, Biomaterials and other Medical Imaging techniques such as Thermal Imaging. He opened possible collaborations with regards to Biopsy Taking, Implants, Biomechanics, Prosthetics, etc in various Departments of Medicine.

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