Seminar on The Experimental Approach to Alleviating Poverty at KiiT-IS


Prof. Satya Narayan Misra, former Civil Servant, Prominent Academician and Dean of KIIT School of Management, who also wears the hats of Economist and Mentor To aspiring Civil Service Aspirants, delivered a talk on The Experimental Approach to Alleviating Poverty at KiiT International School on 23rd October, 2019.

Prof. Misra spoke about the unique contribution of Prof Abhijit Banerji, Prof. Esther Duflo and Prof.Michael Kremer on evidence-based research using RCT to make effective social policy intervention in the social sector. Instead of taking an ideological position of Jeffrey Sachs that Free Aid will eliminate poverty or Easterly suggesting that free market will reduce it, they trio proved with evidence based research to show how free textbooks with guided learning can improve learning outcomes or how vaccines given in camps with incentives like lentils can bolster the percentage of children immunised, perceptibly. Instead of taking big steps, small initiatives based on RCT can impact health, nutrition and learning remarkably. He also brought out evidence mixed with experience as advocated by intellectuals and social scientists like Jean Dreze can be a game changer for public policy and benefit the poor.

The students asked perceptive questions on linkage of growth on poverty and reasons for Prof. Banerji’s critical take on the present state of the Indian economy. This lecture along with the discussion took place over one hour with the audience comprising mostly of students, Vice Principal and Faculty Members who heard the lecture enthusiastically.

Dr. Sanjay Suar, Principal of KiiT-IS, gave the welcome address and Dr. Partha Sarathi Das, Coordinator of Commerce and Humanities, proposed the vote of thanks.

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