National Level E-Seminar on New Born Management Series


A National Level E – Seminar on New Born Management Series was organized on 18th & 19th Aug, 2020 by DRIEMS,Tangi. The Welcome Address was given by Prof.Anasuya Pattnaik (Principal, DSCN),the Inaugural speech was given by Mrs.Priyadarshini Rath (Director, DRIEMS). 

On this occasion Prof.(Mrs)Amarita Lenka (Principal, Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences) was invited as the Chief Guest to deliver the KeyNote Address. Despite the remarkable global progress made in maternal and newborn survival over the last decade, 4.6 million babies still die in their first year of life,nearly three million die in the first 28 days. Under 5yrs of age,every year India loses more children than any other country in the world. Nationwide, more than half of these deaths occur in the neonatal period, mostly because babies are born prematurely, suffer from birth asphyxia or have neonatal infections. Around 0.75 million neonates die every year in India, the highest death rate for any country in the world. According to the India Newborn Action Plan- 2014, Govt. of India is committed to reduce the Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) from 28 to 9 by 2030. The Primary objective behind this Seminar was to bring down the Infant Mortality Rate and strengthen the child survival rate.

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