Mechanical Engineering Colloquium


One Guest Lecture under the banner of Mechanical Engineering Colloquium Lecture Series on “Development of Engine for Fighter Aircraft: Challenges for Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers” was delivered at School of Mechanical Engineering by Dr. R.K. Mishra, Scientist-G/Associate Director, RCMA (Engines), DRDO, Bangalore, India on 11th March, 2019.

The technical talk was started with the introduction of the Guest; Dr. Mishra and his contribution to the fighter aircraft manufacturing sector. He introduced the direct and indirect role of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers role in defence sector for saving lives. He addressed the concept of technical reforms in fighter aircraft over the world through the medium of several illustrations and incidents. He talked about the major technical challenges those recent Aerospace Industries are facing and failing which lead to dangerous consequences.

Through his talk, he also encouraged students to appear and clear GATE to enter DRDO and other PSUs and contribute to Indian defence sector. He correlated the role of all major Engineering disciplines in the aircraft operation for specific mission through various video clips, images, success and failure stories.

The Lecture and the discussion went on for over an hour with the audience comprising mostly of students, faculty members and other dignitaries, listening to Dr. Mishra with fascinated attention.

Another Guest Lecture on “Aeronautical Engineering – Industry Growth and Contribution from India” was delivered at School of Mechanical Engineering by Shri Rajesh Handuja, Chief-Engineer, QUEST Global, Bangalore, India on 11th March, 2019.

Shri Handuja delivered an inspiring talk on his rich experiences in aerospace sector to students of Aerospace Engineering in Seminar Hall, Campus 8.

He talked about his journey from Indian Air Force as a member of maintenance staff for aero-engines to illustrator to a Technical Administrator for a State-of-the-Art repair facility established for medium overhaul of aero-engines. He told the students about the complexity and restrictions of Indian Aerospace Policy. He explained about the need of hard work and dedication for the job.

His talk included variants of GNATs, MiGs and Sukhoi. He talked about development of technical processes for Fan Blade Replacement and in-storage preservation of various fuel aggregates for the aero-engine of a Russian Military Aircraft used by the Indian Air Force. He emphasized the contribution from India to the field of Aeronautical Engineering. He showed some commercial graphs to distinguish the past and present scenario of India’s contributions and achievements.

After every lectures, the speakers keenly replied the questions of the students relating to the subjects and on the scope of pursuing career in Mechanical as well as Aeronautical Engineering after graduation.

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