LAUNCHPAD’19 organized by Qutopia, KIIT Student Activity Centre


Qutopia (Quizzing Society of KIIT Deemed-to-be-University) conducted their Annual Induction Quizzing Event Launchpad’19 on 18th August, 2019. In all,  110 teams participated in the Event from various Schools such as SOT, KSOM and KIMS.

The event was inaugurated by Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, Deputy Director- Student Services, KSAC. He spoke at length about the achievements of Qutopia, post which he declared the event open. The preliminary round consisted of 25 mind-bending questions, hosted by Quiz-master Abhik Biswas. 8 teams qualified for the finals.

The finals consisted of 5 rounds hosted jointly by the Coordinators Abhik Biswas, Rounack Kundu and senior member Aman Patnaik. After a long grueling session of questions ranging from Current Affairs, to Mythology, spanning over 5 rounds, 3 teams emerged victorious.

The second runner-up with a score of 113 was Reetam Nandi and Saurav Suman, both B.Tech, CSE students of KIIT Deemed to be University.

The First runner-up with a score of 130 was Aditya Kaushik (B.Tech, CSSE) and Shreya Verma (B. Tech, CSCE).

The Winner of Launchpad’19 was Nikhil Mishra and Koustav Mukherjee, both pursuing B. Tech CSE, with a massive score of 200.

There was an online quiz contest that was held on the social media of Qutopia for the past week with specific rules. Bitata Ghosh, who answered most of the questions, was also given prizes.

Prizes were distributed to the winners and also to all the eight finalist teams by the Faculty coordinator of Qutopia, Seema Kumari Ladsaria, School of Humanities.

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