KIIT to Host India’s Largest Commerce Meet


The 72nd All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association (ICA), Golden jubilee celebration of Odisha Commerce Association, the 40th All Odisha Commerce Conference and an International Seminar on ‘Global Business: Emerging Issues and Challenges’ will be held simultaneously in KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar from December 20 – 24, 2019. This is for the first time that Odisha and KIIT are hosting academic meets of this magnitude in the field of commerce.

More than 3000 delegates from India and different parts of the world, including the USA, Australia, Nepal, Bangladesh and Kuwait, will be participating in the meet. Academicians, researchers, practitioners and scholars will provide incisive insights on the burning topics of contemporary significance selected for the conference.

For the first time in history, in the run up to the ‘Commerce Mahakumbha’, Odisha Commerce Association is conducting a student test in 30 zonal colleges of Odisha with participation from 5000 commerce undergraduate students. The winners of all zones will be awarded with prizes encouraged to participate in the conference free of cost. Besides, that it is also decided to felicitate the crown of Commerce education of the state for their contribution to make the commerce education popular in the state.

KIIT always have been hosting many national and international conferences, seminars and workshops round the year. Earlier in 2014 also, All India Commerce Conference was held in the campus of KIIT. During December 22 – 24, KIIT is once again poised to welcome the commerce fraternity of the country in its campus.

Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS is the Chief Patron of the 72nd All India Commerce Conference, while Prof. Asoka Das and Prof. Hrusikesh Mohanty, VC, KIIT are Patrons. Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Pro VC is the Conference Secretary and Prof. Jayanta Kumar Parida, the Organising Secretary. It will be presided over by Prof. H. Venkatswarlu, President, Indian Commerce Association under the stewardship of Prof. Narender Kumar, Secretary, ICA.

This is a unique opportunity for the commerce fraternity of the country that at one conference, 972 research articles on the five themes will be presented and deliberated upon by more than 2000 delegates coming from India and abroad. Delegates will be presented with exotic cultural attractions of Odisha through provision of sight-seeing of the golden triangle and scintillating cultural evenings.

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