KIIT Faculty Members Present Papers at the University of Oxford, U.K.


Two of the faculty members of KIIT School of Language and Literature (KSLL) – Ms. Debanjali Roy, Assistant Professor; and Mr. Tanmoy Putatunda, Assistant Professor- presented their research papers in an International Conference held in University of Oxford, United Kingdom last month on 17-18 June, 2023.  

Ms. Roy’s presentation titled “We aren’t those people anymore: A Topoanalytical Study of Schitt’s Creek” was appreciated by scholars and academicians from esteemed educational institutions across the world.  In the same conference, Ms. Roy also chaired the session on “Building Memories: The Influence of Systems”.

Mr. Putatunda, presented his research paper titled “Mapping the City, Mapping the Self: Memory, Nostalgia and Belongingness in Select Narratives” which was well received by esteemed scholars and academicians present at the conference. Mr. Putatunda also chaired a session on “The Fabric of Remembrance: Literary Parallels” in the same conference. The sessions were academically enriching and engaging, providing the participants scope for scholarly debates.

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