KIIT Faculty Delivers Speak and Search Lecture on “CFD Study on Performance Enhancement of a Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube”


Dr. Nilotpala Bej, Asst. Professor II, KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering delivered a virtual technical talk titled “CFD Study on Performance Enhancement of a Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube” under Speak and Search Lecture Series of Academic Year 2021-22 organized by the School on November 27, 2021.

The talk mainly emphasized on how a tube-like structure (vortex tube) will behave when compressed gas entered into it. Mainly due to adiabatic expansion and compression of gases at the axis of the tube, coal gas is generated which ultimately causes the formation of hot gases. This is the possible reason behind the formation of two layers within the tube. The lecture presented a new horizon to the students and researchers who are working over the compressed gas within the pipe or tube. Further, more extensive numerical and experimental works of multi stage vortex tube and parametric study can be done in this field by the researchers.

Professor Bharat Chandra Routara, Dean, SME appreciated Dr. Bej for her valuable talk  and Dr. Spandan Guha the coordinator of the ‘Speak and Search’ series moderated the engaging interaction session followed by the talk.

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