National Seminar &Training Programme on ‘Plasma, Its Applications and Energy from Nuclear Fusion’


ISCA Bhubaneswar Chapter in association with KISS & KIIT-DU and Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat organized a five-day National Seminar and Training Programme on “Plasma, Its Applications and Energy from Nuclear Fusion” (PAENF-2021) for teachers, researchers, medical professionals and students at KISS-DU, Ravenshaw University and Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences from December 20-24, 2021.

Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is considered to be a different phase since it does not follow the normal description and physical rules that are used to explain the first three states of matter. Today, the world is obsessed with plasma and its outstanding applicability in a variety of industries. This drew the attention of researchers to investigate its possibilities and significance.

Inaugurating the seminar, Dr. Asoka Kumar Das, Vice Chairperson, Odisha State Higher Education Council and Professor Emeritus, KISS-DU emphasized the importance of plasma. Being a very senior Plasma scientist of India, Dr. Das expressed his concerns regarding the popularization and adoption of plasma science and technology for society.

Explaining the vast ideas and application of plasma in various domains, Dr. Ravi A. V. Kumar described its usefulness in the society and its applications in medical, agriculture, textile, industry and many more.

Welcoming the dignitaries, Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice-Chancellor, KISS-DU appreciated the initiative of National Science Congress Association, Bhubaneswar Chapter and its collaborator, IPR Gandhinagar, Gujarat for propagating Plasma science across the country. Dr. Kanhu Charan Mahali, Director General, KISS also spoke on the occasion.

Dr. Kajal Parashar, Convener, ISCA Bhubaneswar Chapter thanked ISCA for providing this opportunity to propagate the science. She expressed gratitude to Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS for the motivation and full support to organize the event. She expressed her thanks to General President ISCA, Prof. V. L. Saxena and Past General President, Prof. A. K. Saxena for their tremendous contribution in the propagation of Science across the nation.

Expressing gratitude to IPR for accepting the invitation, she thanked eminent scientists, Dr. Ravi A V Kumar, Scientific Officer-H, Ms. Chhaya Chavda, Scientific Officer-H, Mr. Mohandas Krishnan, Scientific Officer-F, Ms. Harsha Machchhar, Scientific Officer-E and Mr. Narendrasinh Chauhan, Scientific Officer-E from  IPR, Gandhinagar, Gujarat to come to Odisha for training of the young researchers.

Dr. Chittaranjan Bhoi, Vice-Principal offered words of thanks to the guests, delegates and media persons.

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