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Electronics Engineering
Electronics Engineering News
Online Session on ‘Quality Internship’ by KIIT School of Electronics Engineering
KIIT School of Electronics Engineering organized an online session on “How to Get Quality Internship?” on 6th March 2021 by Mr. Rohan Garg - Founder, Gateflix. It was attended by 2nd and 3rd year students. In his deliberation, Mr. Garg!-->…
KIIT School of Electronics Engineering Organizes Alumni Talk
An Alumni Talk was organized by KIIT School of Electronics Engineering (KSoEE) for the students of B. Tech 2nd and 3rd Year on 27th February 2021. The talk was the third in the series. The speaker, Mr. Samanwaya Jena provided an!-->…
Awareness Campaign on Basic Hygiene and Sanitation at Tangibanta Village
Now everyone in the world understands that their actions today will determine to what extent they can bring down the impact of the pandemic. It is very important for every Indian to remain aware and alert. Everyone needs to avoid crowds.!-->…
KIIT School of Electronics Organizes Kweet Talk on ‘Automotive Electronics: Emerging Trends &…
KIIT School of Electronics Engineering brought together Mr. Murali Balasubramanian, India Innovation Head, Stellantis; Dr. Rajeev Kumar Srivastava, Director/Integral Project Manager, NXP Semiconductors India Pvt. Ltd; Mr. M. S. Ashok,!-->…
2020 Premium Award for Best Paper for KIIT Faculty Members
KIIT faculty members, Prof. Trupti Mayee Behera, Dr. Umesh Chandra Samal and Dr. Sushanta Kumar Mohapatra from School of Electronics Engineering have been awarded the 2020 Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Wireless!-->…
KIIT Faculty Delivers Expert Lecture at Kolhapur Institute of Technology
Prof. Suprava Patnaik, Dean, School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University delivered an expert lecture to the participants of ATAL FDP on ‘Modern Trends in AI and ML’ organized by Kolhapur Institute of!-->…
KIIT Faculty Wins ‘Women Researcher Award’
Mrs. Rasmita Lenka, Assistant Professor (II), School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University has been awarded with the “Women Researcher Award” for her significant contribution and achievement in Innovative!-->…
3rd International Conference on ‘Communications, Circuits and Systems’ at KIIT
The School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University (KIIT-DU) organized the 3rd International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (IC3S2020) from 16th-18th October 2020 on virtual mode. Inaugurating the!-->…
KIIT School of Electronics Engineering Conducts FDP on ‘Machine Learning and Applications’
ATAL FDP on Machine Learning and Applications was conducted by the School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University from 1st -5th October 2020. Eminent speakers from institutes of repute as well as industries,!-->…
Orientation Programme of KIIT Robotics Society
KIIT Robotics Society (KRS) of School of Electronics Engineering conducted the orientation programme-cum-recruitment drive for the session 2020 on 12th September 2020. The official website, fully developed by the members of the society,!-->…