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World Stroke Day: 2022 Brain stroke patient must reach the hospital within three hours, says KIMS…
A stroke or brain attack is one of the commonest neurological illnesses happening due to sudden loss of blood flow to the brain. The burden of stroke is increasing in India and it is the fourth leading cause of death and a common cause of!-->…
KIMS docs invited to WHO-ICMR-NIIH-NIV workshop
Bhubaneswar, October 27: The World Health Organization (WHO) along with theICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) institutes NIIH (National Institute ofImmunohematology, Mumbai) and NIV (National Institute of Virology), Pune!-->…
CME-cum-Workshop Biochemistry-2022 Innovations, IPR policy and patents: Making ideas to work in…
In a unique event of CME-cum-Workshop on IPR Policy and Patent organised by the Department of Biochemistry, KIMS, though took place on October 21, the process of the workshop rolled a week before inviting ideas from 1st year MBBS students!-->…
KIMS Department of Pain Management Conducts Musculoskeletal Ultrasound & Pain Workshop
KIMS Pain Medicine Department recently conducted the 6th Comprehensive Pain and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Hands-on Workshop (CPMU) successfully under Dr. Rajendra Sahoo, Consultant Pain and Palliative Medicine. Dr. Sahoo has!-->…
KIMS Observes Global Hand Washing Day
The students and faculty members of the Department of Community Medicine, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences observed Global Handwashing Day 2022 at the Immunization Clinic andUrban Health and Training Centre on October 15 to create!-->…
KIMS Conducts Mega Health Camp at Nayagarh
The Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) organized a Mega Health Camp on 1st October 2022 celebrating the International Day for the Elderly, at Brajendra High School, Nayagarh. The camp, organized in association with the!-->!-->!-->…
KIMS Surgical Oncologist Presents Master Surgical Video on Breast Reconstruction
Senior surgical oncologist from KIMS Cancer Centre Dr Sabyasachi Parida presented a video of his innovative technique of reconstruction of Central Breast Defects (nipple and areolar region) by using a local perforator flap.
As part of!-->!-->!-->…
World Mental Health Day – 2022 Community-based mental health care a top priority: KIMS experts
It is rightly said that even if you own an unaccountable fortune, without good mental health you cannot enjoy it and so, despite everything, a person needs to have a sound mind for a peaceful living. As we celebrate World Mental Health Day!-->…
KIMS Addl. MS Completes IIM’s Executive Programme in Healthcare Management
Professor Dr. Kabikanta Samantaray, Additional Medical Superintendent at KIMS and well-known ENT Specialist, has completed a year-long Executive Programme in Healthcare Management (EPHM) from IIM Calcutta. The programme,!-->!-->!-->…
KIMS Faculties Present Research Proposals in State Task Force Meeting on NTEP, Odisha
A State Task Force meeting on NTEP was organized by State TB Cell in collaboration with Anti TB Demonstration and Training Centre on 17th September at Telemedicine Centre, SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack.
KIMS is one of the!-->!-->!-->…