Awareness Campaign on Basic Hygiene and Sanitation at Tangibanta Village

Now everyone in the world understands that their actions today will determine to what extent they can bring down the impact of the pandemic. It is very important for every Indian to remain aware and alert. Everyone needs to avoid crowds. Sanitation plays an important role during this pandemic. 

In this context, the volunteers of NSS, KIIT School of Electronics Engineering and NSS, Kalinga Institute Dental Science (KIDS) collaborated and took an initiative to educate people of Tangibanta village about the basic steps of hygiene and sanitation. They conducted a health education program and sanitation awareness campaign. The volunteers went door to door explaining people about the importance of sanitationPeople understood the importance and gave positive feedback.

Prof. Sruti S. Singh, Program Officer of NSS, KIIT School of Electronics Engineering and Dr. Dhirendra Ku. Singh, Program Officer, NSS, KIDS were also present. On behalf of the KIIT NSS Bureau, the volunteers extended their gratitude to Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS and Dr. Kajal Parashar, Program Coordinator for their guidance and inspiration. 

Awareness CampaignNSS